And she was pissed.

No one dared to talk to her, even her own brother, because of the aura she was giving out. It's not like her aura radiated power. She just has that vibe of someone having a very, very bad day.

The whole council was nervous. Artemis's mood was so bad that the hearth glowed dimly because of her.

Zeus was talking about some stuff, demigods popping everywhere and blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile, Athena, who was sitting next to Artemis, called for her.

"Is something wrong, sister?" Athena asked.

"I'm fine," Artemis grumbled.

"You know you can't lie to me," Athena said. "Goddess of Wisdom, remember?"

"I don't want to talk about it," She grumbled again. It was weird for her to act like this. Artemis wasn't usually one to let things annoy her. Athena thought she would ask someone who might know what happened. The lieutenant of her hunt, Thalia Grace.

"-be very wise so we could reduce the distance between the two camps," Poseidon was finishing up.

"Very well," Zeus nodded. "If there's nothing else, I would say that this meeting has concluded. Council dismissed!" Zeus announced before vanishing in a flash of lightning. Athena flashed towards the Garden of Herself, which is where her daughter, Annabeth, is currently working.

When she arrived, Annabeth was looking over the blueprints she'd made for the place. When she saw her mother, her eyes widened before she bowed. "Mother,"

Athena smiled. "Stand up my child,"

Annabeth stood up shakily. "Is something wrong?"

"Not quite," Athena said. "I need you to visit your friend, Thalia Grace,"

"Can I ask what it's about?"

"Well, it's about Artemis,"

"What's wrong?"

"She seems to be in a foul mood today and I would like to find out why. I tried asking her but she wouldn't tell me. So I need you to ask her lieutenant if there's anything wrong,"

Mentally, Annabeth groaned. She has enough in her hands already and now her mother wanted her to go on a little side quest that she could easily do herself.

But putting in mind that her mother was a goddess and she didn't want to invoke her wrath by defying her, she simply agreed. Besides, it's been a while since she'd seen Thalia and she missed her. Also, it's a perfect excuse for her to get away from work for a bit.

"Can you at least send me there so it's easier?" Annabeth said. Athena smiled and snapped her fingers. The scene seemed to twist around before changing into a different one. Annabeth felt queasy in the stomach from that and almost threw up. Luckily, she managed to hold it in. Annabeth found herself in a forest that was pretty secluded. To her left was the camp for the Hunters of Artemis.

She took a deep breath before going towards it. It's been a while since she saw Thalia, but who can blame her? They've both been busy, especially with all the war and everything.

It was dark at night, so they were probably sleeping. Annabeth had always wondered if the Hunters slept at night because their leader was the Goddess of the Moon. So nighttime was supposed to be when they were most active, right? Food for thought.

Four tents surrounded a campfire, which was guarded by one person, Thalia himself. Annabeth remembered the Hunters when they were a large group. But now, there was no more than a school bus of girls.

"Hey," Annabeth greeted with a smile. Thalia looked around. When she saw Annabeth, her eyes lit up.

"Annabeth!" She exclaimed happily before crushing her with a big hug. Annabeth returned the hug. "What are you doing here?"

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