chapter seventy four

Beginne am Anfang

"Wait, what?"

"That day I got super drunk and was talking to Jisung, I asked him what I should do about this weird feeling I had, and he knew before I did, and he told me I should go figure it out."

"What the hell is wrong with the three of us?" Jaemin asks, causing the two to break out laughing..

"Would that even be considered a love triangle?"

"I think so."

"Jesus", Haechan mutters. "Moving on, I really need you to know that all I do is fall for you. I think I'm gonna fall in love with you. So please don't think it's impossible. I care for you so much and..." Haechan sighs. "I really love you."

"I think I'm always gonna be, at least, a little bothered by this", Jaemin admits. "But I feel better knowing it's not always gonna be this way. And I'll try to handle myself better. I never wanna miss you that much again. It was so painful."

"I cried a lot."

Jaemin hugs the male, trying to back up his words with the action. He's not gonna leave again, he doesn't want to. Even for a little bit.

"I'm sorry", he whispers.

"Me too", Haechan says, pulling away. "There's also something else I need to say."


"I'm sorry for not doing better at showing you I love you. During our break, I had time to think. Too much time, actually. So, naturally, I started to reflect on myself and see if I was doing the same thing to Mark and Jeno and then I realized what I've been doing. I'm so sorry I didn't pay that much attention to you on our date. I have to apologize to Jeno too. I didn't realize those things were hurting you."

Jaemin nods, trying to suppress the urge to say, "It's okay", because he knows that he's ready not okay with it. Just for a few seconds, he allows himself to be proud of the small accomplishment. "I know forgiveness is for ourselves, but I want you to know that I forgive you. I didn't like that, but I'm not gonna hang it over your head. I trust you."

"You don't have to forgive me."

Jaemin grins. "Too late."

How long has it been since Haechans seen Jaemins pretty smile? How long has it been since his smile has been directed at him? His looks are often pointed out, but this another one of those times where the brunet realizes how beautiful the boy truly is. His eyes aren't anything but brown, his lips always perfectly pink and moisturized (Haechan would know), perfect skin, and he always seems to glow under the right lighting.

"God, you're so pretty."

The blush on Jaemins face only proves the males point further. 'Cause if he's not looking like one of the most gorgeous boys on Earth, he's one of the cutest.

So. Damn. Adorable.

"Thank you. You're pretty too."

Haechan barely registers the comment, too focused on the male in front of him and his feelings for him. "Jaemin." His tone startles Jaemin with his serious it is. "Be my boyfriend."


Did I hear that right?

"Wait, there's a better way to ask." Jaemin continues to stare in bewilderment, not really comprehending what's happening. "I love you. I really, really love you. And I wanna date you. So, Jaemin, will you be my  boyfriend?"

"Yes", he whispers.

He's not sure he's actually said it out loud until a cute smile stretches across the brunets face. It's impossible not to smile back. They hug for the third time (so far) and just sit there, for a moment, taking in moment. Then, the two slowly face each other, eyes saying everything that they aren't.

Love Me | MarkNoHyuckMinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt