chapter twenty nine.

Comincia dall'inizio

"Oh." My mum shifts in her spot on the sofa and pulls a blanket down over our bare legs.

"Yeah." I whisper, nodding to myself.

"Are you sure?" She asks quietly. I pick at the skin around my fingers.

"I've never been so sure of anything in my life." I smile lightly, looking out the window for a moment. "She's the one for me, mum."

"I don't want to see you get hurt again." My mum sighs, "What she put you through, that was-"

"I know mum." I cut her off and let out a loud sigh. "But Rory's not her. She actually cares about how I feel. I had full meltdown on our way here after we got off the plane and she refused to let the driver leave until I had calmed down."

"Was that pap there again?" I nod and my mum frowns, shaking her head. "Should've known he would be. He follows you around like a lost dog."

"Rory puts everyone else first. She's the best mum to Ivy and the best partner to me. I've never felt a love like this before and it scares me because all I want to do is pour my heart out to her about how much I love her but I'm scared."

"She knows you love her." My mum smiles, "She talks about you to me all the time and I see the way she looks at you. When you walk into a room, her eyes light up and there's something in the air that I just can't explain."

"I like reassuring her." I breathe, "I know she knows I love her, but I don't think she realizes just how much. I want to marry her and have two kids with her. I want to grow old and be together for the rest of our lives."

"Then do exactly that." My mum squeezes my hand and sends me a small smile. "You're creating happiness instead of chasing it. That's a good start."

"Do you think she'll say yes?" I ask softly, "When I propose, eventually."

"I do." My mum smiles, "She'd probably say yes right now if you asked her, but I know you've probably already got something planned."

"I do." I smirk knowingly. For the past five months that Rory and I have been dating I've slowly started putting together the little things I want to do for her.

Date nights, her birthday, vacation, our engagement. The list goes on. I've known she was the one since the day I first laid my eyes on her, and I can't wait for the day to come where I get to call her my wife.

"Why don't you help your poor old mum over here with breakfast? I miss having you rummaging through my kitchen cupboards." My mum smiles softly, standing up from her spot beside me.

I shake my head and laugh. "Mum, you're far from old."

"Considering I've got a daughter in law and three grandkids coming into my life, I am old!" My mum presses, sighing softly, "Can't believe both of my babies are fleeing the nest."

I smile at my mum's words and nod towards the kitchen, "Let's get to making breakfast, yeah?"

After a fairly long debate on whether we should have toast with eggs or pancakes with sausage, we settled on having all four.

"Did Ivy tell you about her school play coming up?" I smile brightly, cracking a few eggs into a clear measuring cup.

"She did." My mum responds, "She said you're going?"

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