The Luna smile softened sadly, pushing a few damp strands of hair behind my ear. "When an unmated wolf stays around possible candidates for a while, they will go into heat. It's a reaction of your body to potential mates, designed to lure in the one Fated to be yours."

"You, or rather, your mate, will find you because your scent will be extremely appealing to them during this time."

A blush crept over my cheeks, even if I silently prayed it would stop. "What happens after that? When will I know who my mate is?"

The Luna shrugged, waving her hand through the air as she stated, "By some weird decision of the Moon Goddess, only the male will know who his mate is during Heat. It is only when the female shifts during her heat, that she's able to detect the bond between them."

She snickered slightly. "At that, gay couples have it easy while lesbians have to be shifted in order to make sure they aren't walking past their mate. Nobody knows why the Moon Goddess decided upon such a complicated way of finding one's mate.

I heard some muffled laughter further down the hallway, recognizing the voices of Eric and Jason. Wondering if they were listening into the conversation before shrugging, because it didn't matter.

I needed to know more.

"So shortly put, if given enough time in the pack, my mate will pick up my scent? Given that he, or she, is from this pack to begin with?" I asked, feeling stupid to rehash Christy's words.

The Luna nodded, not at all bothered that I was rather shy and a tad uncomfortable with this subject.

"Yes. The first heat is just a matter of trying to find your mate. The second heat is between mates only."

Pulling my legs against my chest, I propped my chin on my knees. "Meaning?"

She looked at the wall when another bout of snickering came from the boys next door. "Once your mate finds you, they'll probably mark you on the spot. The second that happens, your secondary heat will start."

Making herself comfortable on the edge of the bed, she continued "This secondary heat makes sure that a mated couple will consummate the mating in a short timeframe. In other words, you and your mate will be unable to resist one another until the mating is completed. After that, heat only occurs twice a year."

Okay, TMI.

My face heated, especially when the snickering next door turned into full blown laughter, and I could swear I heard the guys rolling over the floor.

Ugh, men!

Christy herself shook her head, fighting back a smile as her lips twitched. "But," she started, halting the laughter on the other side of the wall. "You are an Born Alpha. Your heat will draw the attention of any unmated wolf in the pack. It's a failsafe mechanic in order to continue the bloodline of an Alpha."

Silence reigned over the room, even the one next door. I groaned, flopping on the bed and covering my face. So every unmated man or woman in this pack would turn into a drooling lecher after two weeks.

"Great...." I drawled sarcastically to myself. Pushing upright, my attention was drawn to my door, or rather the two heartbeats right up against it.

Sitting upright, I stated, "Thank you for the information, Luna Christy. If you don't mind answering a few of my questions?" I pressed a finger against my lips before sneaking to the door, taking a deep breath.

And proceeded to slam my hand as hard as possible on the door without breaking it.

The slam was instantly followed by two startled screams on the opposite side before Jason and Eric uttered profanities. Meanwhile Christy, Erica and I started laughing over their dismay as I added "What goes around, comes around. They should know better than to press up to a door like eager toddlers."

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