Burning Rage

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Silver gets up shaking Blaze awake

Come on Blazey, it's Christmas, we gotta go to that party

You can use the bathroom first, I'll get up in a second

Kay, love you


Silver gets up and walks out of the room with an unsettled feeling

It's Christmas day yet he's not smiling and happily getting ready for the day

He stands looking at himself in the bathroom mirror

Please be wrong about her

[1 Hour Later]

Silver and Blaze arrive at Sonic's place

They walk inside looking around the large building ad they make their way to the main room

They make it to the main room immediately being greeted by a few people

Hey guys, glad you could make it, Mephiles said he invited you lovebirds

Wouldn't miss it for the world dudio

Well make yourselves at home, there's still plenty to do and lots of people to talk to

Appreciate it

Hay guys, how ya doooing?

Hey big man, I'm doing fine

I'm great, and thanks for inviting us to your party

Daw, it's no prowblem, Sownic did most of thuh work

Still, you paid for it all, so thank you

No prowblem, enjoy yourselves hewe

The next two approach them

HEEEEEYYYYYY glad you guys could make it

Hey bro bro, spicy cat

Hey Scourge hey Meph

Hey guys

I'm gonna go hang out with this hunk right here but you two have a great time okay?

Thanks Mephy

Your flattery won't turn me gay

Silver floats a piece of mistletoe over the two hedgehogs whistling nonchalantly

Oh would you look at that

Mephiles yanks Scourge into a heartfelt, passionate kiss

Scourge pulls away gasping for air

You sure you're straight?

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