Protective Flames

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Silver wakes up to an empty bed

Oh, she must've left already

Silver slides to the edge of the bed holding his head up with his hands

He sighs sliding back into bed and pulling the covers over his shoulder

"It's no use...."

He whispers to himself with a trembling voice

[5 Hours Later]

Blaze walks around the city mall looking for places that are hiring

She spots Shadow sitting in the mall cafeteria

She starts walking over to the cafeteria

As she gets closer she sees Silver walk to the table and sit down handing Shadow a drink


Oh hey Blaze

Fu- hey Silver, hey Shadow, mind if I join you guys?

If Shadows alright with that I don't mind

I do not care

Ah thanks guys

Blaze sits down at the small square metal table

Oh I should've gotten a drink before I sat down, gimme a minute

Silver opens his mouth to speak but he's cut off by Shadow

Here take mine, Silver you mind getting me another if that's alright?

Oh sure no problem

Silver starts to stand up but Shadow stops him for a moment

Wait, here

Shadow hands Silver a dollar for the drink

Oh I can pay for it that's okay, it's only a dollar anyways

I will not have you pay for something I want, now take the dollar or I'll break your fingers

O-Okay Shadow thank you

I'll watch your drink for you

Thanks, I'll be right back

Silver walks into line waiting to order

So Shadow how's it going?

What the hell is wrong with you?


That dummy was telling me all about the great day you guys had yesterday but as far as I'm aware you tricked him into helping you find employment and then you made him buy you food and let you stay in his place for free

What the hell are you talking about

Don't play dumb it makes you look stupid and idiotic

Why do you care anyways, you're telling me you of all people don't use Silver for things?

Oh no I definitely do, I use him, to hang out, because the goofball is my fuckin friend you heartless prick

Alright the things you're accusing me of are preposterous, just because he wanted to take me places doesn't mean you have to be jealous angry oreo

I may be an angry oreo but I am an angry intelligent oreo, stop leading him on, he's a goober but he will catch on, and when someone is abusing his kindness he becomes a very different person, and you definitely wouldn't like it judging by your demeanor

What do you mean by "my demeanor"??

Still worried about unimportant things, typical

Silver returns to the table

Whatcha guys talkin about?

Just discussing coffee flavors, she wanted to know why my drink was so cheep

Oh, that's nice, speaking of here's your drink

Thanks Silvy

Shadow takes a sip of the coffee while glaring at Blaze

And the reason it's so cheap is because I ordered tea

Ah.... I see

So Blaze, me and Silver were here all day talking over drinks, what were you doing today?

Blaze's eyes perk open

[Blaze's Thoughts]
You bastard

[Shadow's Thoughts]
Crack, you fuck

[Silver's Thoughts]
Why are they glaring at each other so intensely and angrily...

Well I'd love to tell you about my day but I actually have to go right now, I'll see you tonight okay Silver?

Yep, see you then, have a good rest of your day

Yeah, thanks

Blaze gets up and walks away

Something's not right

What do you mean?

Blaze just seems off, ever since she got back she seems different

You'll figure it out Silver, you're a smart guy

Hardly, but thank you anyways, and I hope I do, if somethings wrong I wanna help her

Oh you poor big hearted fool.... love is poison...

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