Unsettled Chill

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[1 Week Later]

Silver springs up from bed starting to immediately get ready

Blaze wake up, we gotta go

Blaze shifts over and groans


We told Mephiles we'd hang out today


Come on spicy cat


[40 Minutes Later]

Silver and Blaze arrive at a park

They spot Mephiles waiting at a park table

He waves them over and they sit down

Hey you two, how's it going

It's been great

I've been okay

That's good to hear, glad you guys could make it to talk

Of course, I said we'd hang out more, I meant it

Well thank you for coming then, I appreciate it

Of course

So Blaze, Silver tells me you two got cozy together

I didn't phrase it like that

Yeah, we're a thing now, it's been nice

Well that's great to hear, hey how about we go get some hot dogs at the food stand over there and have a conversation over a meal?

Sure, sounds great

I'd like that

Blaze can you stay so nobody sits here?


I'll pay for your food then

Thank you so much

No problem

Silver and Mephiles get up and walk over to the hotdog stand

Alright hotdog man you play along and I'll give you an extra twenty dollars



Keep your head forward she'll know we're talking if you don't


She's using you so bad and you don't even know it

What are you talking about?

Where have you been for the past week?

We've been going out together

And you've been buying things for her right?

Mostly food, so what? I buy things for everybody, I've got the budget so I might as well be generous

But you aren't doing it out of the kindness of your heart, you only ever go to these place becuase she mentions soemthing about them yes?

Mephiles I really don't wanna talk about this

Fine, but make a deal with me


Big and Sonic are hosting a Christmas party, go with her, Sonic and I will set soemthing up, a test if you will, just watch what she does okay?

I really don't feel comfortable doing that

It's not like we're gonna crucify her, all you have to do is listen to her talk okay?

Fine, if it'll get you all off my back, sure

Thank you, anyways three hotdogs please

Yep here you go

Silver takes two of the hot dog trays and Mephiles takes the last

Mephiles covers the payment and the two sit back down at their table

Here you go Blaze


Alright, let's get on with talking then

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