Shocking Perspective

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Mephiles arrives at Silver's house

He knocks on the front door

The door opens and Silver can be seen looking exhausted and sick

Woah you okay there Silver?

Silver speaks in a monotone voice

I'm fine, what are you doing here?

I wanted to tell you something

The two awkwardly stare at each other for a few moments

So you gonna tell me?

Oh sorry, well I know that you may have thought Blaze was sick but she's actually no-

I know, I found the liquor bottle in the trash

Oh.... alright, are you sure you're okay

Silver starts twitching

Yes I'm fine, is that all?

Yeah, but if you're not busy we could talk if that's okay?

I can't

Oh, how come?

A violent hurk comes from Silver

He turns away from Mephiles vomiting into the bushes beside the front door


He wipes his mouth with his arm whilst shivering

That's why

Woah, you sick?

Yeah it's nothing serious, I just don't wanna get you sick

I'm made of sludge I can't get sick


Why didn't you tell me the first time I asked if you were fine?

I didn't want you to worry about it

Tears start to form in Silver's eyes

Oh honey no....

I'm sorry, I'm pathetic I know, I've just been so confused and then this sickness hit me and its kicking my a- butt, I mean butt, sorry

Oh come on I'll make you some soup, go lay down

Noooo I don't want you to waste your day on meeeee

It's this or collage paper work, I'd rather this, come on let's go

Mephiles walks past Silver grabbing his arm and helping him to the couch

Silver whines feeling shameful

Silver I get it believe me I do, I get that being the nicest person takes a lot of constant work, but you've been doing it for a long time, take a break and rest for once, you take on so much emotional and physical exhaustion every day, relax Silver

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