Leaking Through The Cracks

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Silver wakes up with a deep yawn

He feels much less sick and much better now that he rested

He walks into the kitchen and puts a kettle on while he sits on the floor petting his cat

Once the kettle whistles signaling it's done he stands up and pours two hot cups of water

He grabs a tea bag out of a small box and hangs it over the edge of the cups mixing one around with his finger

He licks the tea off of his finger and puts a travel lid on each disposable cup

He sets one of the cups on the counter and walks into his room with the other

He sets his cup down on the night stand beside his bed and opens his closet

He grabs a thin dark green jacket with fur on the inside so he stays warm and slides into it

He zips it up then closes his closet door

Silver opens a drawer below his bed looking for a good pair of pants

A black pair of jeans is what he decides on

He slides them on and slides a belt through the pant loops buckling it up

He wears gray high socks so he stays warm and puts on his usual boots

He stands up and ties his quills back so if he decides to put his hood up they won't get in the way

He grabs his cup of tea and walks out of the house

He locks the door and walks down the sidewalk

After a moment a blur runs up beside him immediately slowing down to a walking pace

Hey Sonic

Hey Silver, lookin good today

Thanks, you too

Naw man, I slept late and threw on the quickest thing I could find

So what? doesn't mean you can't look good naturally

Sonic laughs embarrassed at the comment

Well, thank you Silver, that means a lot, so, you ready?

It's early, I'll walk, if you've got somewhere to be you can go, but if not then you wanna join me for now?

Sure, that sounds nice

Alright, you sleep good?

Yeah, I slept pretty okay

You're still tired though

Sonic shamefully rubs the back of his neck


It's the coffee


there's coffee stains on your jacket, but not just this jacket, all of them, most of your clothes have stains on them, I'm guessing you battle your coffee maker every morning because you can't afford a new one off of a hero's pay, and you're tired now because you didn't have time to battle it out with the coffee maker for a sub par cup of coffee, yes?

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