Pyrotic Jealousy

129 1 5

Silver wakes up still in the shower

[Silver's Thoughts]
Oh God did I fall asleep here?!?!?

Silver sits up from the ceramic seat and turns off the shower opening the door and stepping out

He grabs his towel and clothes that have been drying overnight

He wraps the towel around his chest, it hangs down to his knees

He opens the bathroom door and steps out seeing Blaze eating at the kitchen counter

Jeez you enjoy showering that much? I had to go across the street to the gas station to go to the bathroom

Sorry, I must've been really tired yesterday, I fell asleep in the shower

Did you sleep on the shower floor?!

No, no, nothing like that I fell asleep on the little shower seat, it's like, a small ledge thingy so you can safely lift your legs to wash them

Oh cool

Yeah, I'm gonna get dressed now

How come you wear your towel like a girl?

Oh I usually don't, but you're here now and I think it would be inappropriate if I walked around with my bare chest out

Don't worry about it, it's not like you're some kind of creep

Oh... well I'll still cover my chest when I take showers, thanks though

Yeah sure, is there still hot water?

I don't think so, I passed out before I turned the shower off

Ah, I'll wait till later then


It's alright I'm pretty clean now anyways, I'll need it more later


Silver goes to open his door put gets stopped one last time

Quick question though


Are you sick? You sound really raspy and your nose is stuffed

Ah... maybe, I was in the cold water for a while so I'm not sure

You should probably get some medicine then

I will, hey only if you want, I was thinking maybe if you're up for it, we could go to this small Italian pizza place on the edge of town by the peer, get some pizza?

I'll pass, I gotta go somewhere, I was about to leave after I finished eating actually

Oh that's fine, well I'll see you later then

Ashes Of Love: a silvase fanficΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα