But I planned on making it work.

I had a small problem on my hands. The art exhibit required formal wear, the only thing I had that could possibly be considered formal would be my prom suit.

A reddish orange suit that my mother had chosen for me, I hated it with a passion.

Not that it looked particularly bad on me, but I also didn't like how it looked. Not to mention the texture was awful.

I didn't have much of a choice.

I quickly did my makeup and hair, realizing I only have fifteen minutes to be ready and outside my dorm building before Chanhee was here to pick me up.

I looked good enough.

I rushed down the hall, pretty immediately regretting the dress shoes I chose to wear. The pretty pink haired boy stood outside, standing by a small blue car, patiently waiting.

He called excitedly. Running up to greet me.
"We're gonna be late."
He laughed, opening the dinted passenger door for me.

He looked lovely. A dark purple velvet suit rested against his body perfectly. He looked perfect. Yet something about the date, just... Didn't.

The building the exhibit was held in was impressively large, and old. It was an old home, now a well known event location.

It was quite fancy. Marbled floors, and many rooms, a winding staircase led to the second, off limits floor. The main hall was extravagant, leading one of two ways. Both being part of the exhibit.

Full with well dressed students, as well as general population. Art of all mediums covered the walls and floors, just enough room for maybe three people the walk side by side through it.

Hundreds of voices all spoke at once, different conversations filled the building with a stress inducing sound.

Chanhee whispered to me looking at a particularly large abstract sculpture. It was utterly amazing. I could only wonder just how long it took the artist to create, or what the motive was for making such a piece.
"Wow is right."
I replied.

Chanhee led me throughout the building, his black dress shoes clicking with each step on the marble floor, pointing out all the pieces he found impressive, or pretty.

An hour passed. My feet killing me from the nearly unworn shoes, everything about them screamed 'there's no moving fast in these'. And I would be lying if I said that didn't minorly stress me out.

I felt Chanhee's soft hand grab my hand, pulling me twords the main hall, and settling us in a corner. Voices of everyone muffled out.

Chanhee began, taking both my hands into his.
"I have to tell you something."
I nodded, listening closely to his words.
"I like you."
My heart sank. But not in excitement. Words I've been waiting years to hear finally spoken, and instead of being happy, I thought of Hongjoong.
I said, blinking my eyes in shock at him. A small smile rested on his face, humming.

He leaned his face closer to mine, and for just a split second, our lips brushed against each other before I yanked my head away.
"I'm- I'm sorry."
Chanhee aplogized, dropping my hands, and stepping back.
"No, no. You're fine. It's just- I-"
My words were cut off by a laugh from the pink haired boy in front of me.
"It's that Hongjoong kid, isn't it?"
He asked, disappointment clear in his tone.

"Go on then."
He shooed me with his hands. Not rudely, but more so genuinely trying to get me to go.
"I can't."
I said.
He asked puzzled.
"He hates me."
I responded flatly. Chanhee brust into laughter.

"We argued, and he fucking hates me. He said he didn't care about me."

"And you believe him? I've always thought he had some feelings for you. You're blind. It's why I didn't ask you out sooner. Thought you guys were at the very least friends with benefits."

scrunched my face at the realization that Chanhee was right.

Maybe I was pretty blind.

"Fuck. Now I gotta find him."
I said.
"Like a treasure hunt."
Chanhee laughed, shooing me away once more.

I hurried out the door. I had to get to his apartment. If he wasn't there, I could at least ask one of his roommates where he was.

I walked as quickly as I could, past the library. A green bike propped on the metal railing. Found him. I jogged up the stairs, slightly tripping on my way up.

I ripped open the door, hurrying my way to the classics section. Quickly greeted by the sight of the small orange haired boy seated on the ground, a book placed in his lap.


I'm sorry this is so late.

Minghao drawing as an apology I guess lmao

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Minghao drawing as an apology I guess lmao

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