"Nobody in their right mind could blame you for that," Dahlia sighs, looking ahead at the water. "You kept your cool for so long, Jenna, no one else I know could have gone that long without breaking down. Everything you did was completely justified-I probably would have said a lot worse. And I wanted to leave that freaking nightmare of a table, but she wouldn't let me. And then we sort of got into a fight, and-"

"Wait, you got into a fight? Over what?" Jenna turns to her, curious.

"I was worried about you, you know? So I was asking if you'd be okay, and I said your name-well, A nickname-in the sentence, and she looked at me like she was about to-kill me and said "don't call her that."" She tells her, still sort of confused about it. "And I told her that I respected your wish for me to call you that, so she would just have to get used to it."

"Jesus, Dahlia," she laughs, lightly punching her arm. "I'm surprised she didn't kill you right there."

"I sort of thought she might, but I was prepared to run if I had to," Dahlia laughs too, and she hums quietly under her breath.

"I'm so sorry, Jenna," Dahlia adds her quietly, pressing her hand to the sand. "I don't really know what to say, or what to do, but...I just want you to know that I'm here for you and everything."

"Lame," Jenna laughs, ruining one of the only conversations they've had this entire trip that wasn't based around them hating each other. "But I know, Dahli. Thanks. And thanks for sticking up for me and everything."

"You don't have to thank me for that," she answers, and she looks over at her. She scans her face then, before settling on her lips. Then the sides of her mouth quirk up into a smile.

"So how about that kiss, huh? God, I knew that would piss her off; to make it as hot and inappropriate as I could. I thought she might kill me." Jenna laughs, fumbling for her glass and then frowning when she realizes it's empty.

"Yeah, she was pissed," Dahlia laughs with her, thinking about the kiss herself now. "She hardly said a word during dinner."

"I hope the image is burned into her brain," Jenna laughs, leaning back to lay on the sand. "Two lowly College students in love, preparing to live a mediocre life just like the mediocre school they're going to."

"Are you going to be okay the rest of this trip?" Dahlia asks, concerned.

"I'll be fine," Jenna nods, the smile falling from her face. "But I think your job on this trip has shifted. Instead of trying to impress her and make her so glad 'Jenna finally got a Girlfriend', our job is now to disgust her. Not like it'll be hard, but still. It's on now."

"Are you sure that's the best idea?" Dahlia gulps, nervously sinking her fingers into the sand.

"I really don't give a fuck anymore," she laughs, reaches up slightly, then splashes her with water.

"God, you have to stop doing that," she laughs with her, then splashes her too.

"Let's go back-I'm getting tired," Jenna tells her when their laughter finally dies down a few minutes later.

"Good idea."

"Oh shit," Jenna stands up, pressing the back of her hand to her forehead. "Is everything spinning to you?"

"Come on," Dahlia sighs, grabbing both of her empty glasses in one hand and using her other arm to wrap tightly around her waist to hold her up.

"God, you're strong," Jenna laughs, her hand pressing against her arm that's around her. Then she turns to look at her, her face right in his, as she pokes her stomach and says, "All those workouts are finally paying off, Dahlia."

- Hawaii lust - Jenna OrtegaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang