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They stand around for a few minutes while the photographer takes more pictures of the bride and groom, and it's a perfect time now as the sun's beginning to set. Eventually the photographer calls the rest of the family up, and they take a few group pictures, then they take one with just Camila, Juan, Aaliyah, and Mia, then one with Camila and Jenna's mom, and so on and so forth.

Dahlia feels weird that she's in most of these when they aren't even actually dating.

Then it gets to Mia and Jordan and they take a few pictures: one just smiling and holding each other, then one kissing, then one with them just looking into each other's eyes. Dahlia isn't looking at Jenna, but she knows she's rolling her eyes.

And then, right as Dahlia thinks they're finally finished, she calls her and Jenna up to take lovey, coupley pictures in front of her family. She wants to die.

She can tell Jenna wants to put up a fight, but she holds back this time since it is her aunt's wedding. So she grabs Dahlia's hand, and they awkwardly step in front of the large palm trees, the breeze flowing over them coolly.

"Let's do a natural one first-just smile!" the photographer tells them, and Jenna takes the lead by putting her arm around Dahlia and pulling her closer. They both smile then, and she takes the picture.

The next pose is a kiss, which feels extremely awkward to do in front of the whole family. But again, Jenna takes the lead and grabs her face, making a point to smile into the kiss and wrap her arms around her neck. Dahlia's glad that she's basically doing all of the work, because it makes her feel significantly less awkward about the whole thing knowing that she doesn't have to do it.

The last pose is by far the worst, though. The photographer gets Jenna to hold Dahlia's face in her hands, and then she has to put her hands on her waist, and they're forced to just stare into each other's eyes. But instead of just getting it done and over with, right before the photographer takes the picture Jenna starts smiling nervously. Which makes Dahlia start smiling nervously, and then they start laughing, and it's awful. She always laughs when she's tense, and obviously so does Jenna.

So after attempting to stop laughing for five whole minutes and being unsuccessful in it, the photographer just lets them go. Dahlia's shoulders relax in relief.

Dahlia accidentally catches Aaliyah's eye as they're walking back to stand with the other's, and she just tilts her head and smirks. She looks away quickly, and pulls Jenna closer.

Everyone but Camila and Juan head to the reception now, still having a few more pictures to take. So they walk down the paved walkway, Jenna's heels clicking beside her. Dahlia turns to look at her and notices how much taller than Jenna she really is with those on, and she smiles down at her. Her family didn't like it and they tormented her about it, but she thinks it's cute.

"Stop looking at me," Jenna nudges her suddenly, eyeing her from the side.

"Pssh, I..I wasn't," Dahlia shakes her head, turning the other way.

There's soft music playing from the speakers all around them when they get to the reception area, and when the DJ sees the group arrive, he lets everyone know over the microphone that it's time to be seated. They find their assigned seats then, which are all at one table. Which means they unfortunately have to sit with Aaliyah and Jenna's mom, too.

After about ten minutes when everyone's found their table, the music suddenly gets louder and everyone turns to look at the walkway. Camila and Juan make their grand entrance now, everyone standing and cheering as they walk down the the middle of the path to the dance floor, where everyone then quiets down as they have their first dance.

- Hawaii lust - Jenna OrtegaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora