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"So, we...went to Midtown together for all of our four years of high school. We had classes together, academic decathlon, everything. But we weren't really close, you know? She had her life, I had mine, and that was it. But when we got into New York University, we kind of...spent a lot of time together since we were the only people we knew. We started having lunch together, hanging out between classes, helping each other with homework. And I just found myself... falling for her. I mean, how could I not?" Dahlia laughs, swallowing thickly as she turns to look at her. Jenna is already looking at her with a smile, batting her eyelashes with a little laugh.

They all released another round of "aww", before she continued. She's been putting down the particularly thick romantic stuff since she realized they just never thought anyone would like her. She wants to rub it on their face.

"I knew we were friends, but there was just something about her that I couldn't get over. I wanted to be with her all the time, every day. I started having butterflies around her, even though I had known her better than anyone. So one day, when we were in my apartment watching a movie, I just turned to her and asked her, 'will you date me?' I think that kinda weirded her out since we'd been friends for a few months, but it turns out she felt the same way. We've been together ever since."

Jenna raises her hand and smiles at her, her palm pressing against her cheek, her thumb stroking it gently. It's actually a lot easier than she initially thought; especially since Jenna is so good at it, always taking the lead.

"I'm so happy for you two," her mother exclaims, reaching out to hold Jenna's hand. Jenna takes it hesitantly, and they both turn to look at her. "I never thought this day would come."

"I don't see why not; your daughter is amazing," Dahlia shrugs, putting her arm around her. She tries to defend her without being rude and without fighting, but she's already tired of listening to them talk about how they never thought their poor little Jenna would find someone to love her. It's disgusting. "She's smart, funny, beautiful, caring and wants to be an Actor, which I definitely think would happen. I think she didn't date anyone because she didn't want to, not because there was no one who wanted to date her."

"Hmm," is all her mother replies, raising an annoyed eyebrow and slowly stirring her drink as she glares at Dahlia. She feels her eyes bored inside her as if she were the scum of the earth.

"So when do we order?" Jenna speaks up, trying to change the conversation and hopefully lighten the mood. "I'm starving."

"Well, you don't look it," her mother replies under her breath, laughing, before using her hand to wave at the waiter.

Dahlia opens her mouth to say something, so pissed she's practically angry, but Jenna grabs her arm.

"It's okay," she tells her, shaking her head slightly. Dahlia breathes, trying to calm down. Yes, Jenna told her they were awful, but she never imagined they could be that awful.

"Are you sure?" She whispers, looking into her eyes to see if she's okay. As much as they don't get along, the way she is treated is so horrible that she feels like she's going to be sick.

"What are we whispering about there?" Her Aunt Camila asks, looking between them with a smile. Dahlia walks out of their private conversation, suddenly giggling and rubbing the back of her neck. "Nothing inappropriate, I hope."

"Oh, that's definitely inappropriate," Jenna bites her lip, looking at Dahlia with a wink. Dahlia just shakes her head and laughs, embarrassed that all those eyes are staring at her- the girl having sex with their daughter/niece. It's quite humiliating. "I can't keep my hands off this girl."

"Please, Jenna," her mother sighs, rubbing her temples dramatically.

"They're young and in love, sissy, leave them alone," Camila replies, nudging her sister's arm. "I think it's adorable."

The waiter then approaches them, and Jenna discreetly raises her eyebrow at Dahlia, laughing and mouthing, "Having fun already?" Dahlia nudges her and laughs, pushing her hair back as she breathes. She's just glad the conversation is over.

After ordering, there is a long silence as they wait. Dahlia holds Jenna's hand, gently tracing her fingers over her knuckles to distract herself from the situation. And right now, feeling sorry for Jenna more than anything, she can't remember why she always hated her so much.

"You're not going to eat all that, are you Jenna?" Her mother comments, looking at the huge burger and fries the waiter just delivered. She found the least fancy thing she could on the menu, of course, which pissed off her mother even more.

"I do, actually," Jenna nods, smiling happily as she takes a bite. Dahlia looks at her proudly, smiling as she rests her chin on her fist. "And I'm going to enjoy every bite."

Her mother looks like she's having a stroke, but she doesn't say anything else about it. Which Dahlia and Jenna are both extremely happy about.

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