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"It's way too early," Jenna groans at the loud buzzing coming from Dahlia's phone, pulling a pillow over her head. Although Dahlia doesn't want to go back to a reality that forces her to use alarm clocks, it doesn't bother her this time since she's already been awake for hours waiting for it. Dahlia doesn't think she's ever been so glad to hear that annoying, deafening noise in her life.

"We have to get up," Dahlia tells her, pressing her feet to the cool floor and stretching. She still feels sick, and probably looks the part now, too, with the huge bags that must be under her eyes. "I would really rather not have to see your mom after what happened yesterday."

"Yeah, me neither," Jenna groans and finally pulls herself from the bed too, sighing.

Dahlia flips the light on, and feels Jenna glance over at her while they stuff their things into their suitcases. Jenna can probably see all of her restlessness just looking at her, but she doesn't say anything. She's glad.

Jenna calls the car service to come pick them up in fifteen minutes, while Dahlia sits down on the bed and checks her phone. She has ten more texts from Maddie.

First text: really?? you hope im having "fun?"

Second text: screw you peter that is not an answer to the question I asked

Third text: ok im sorry I just miss you guys and want an update really bad

Forth text: how was the wedding at least? did you guys hookup after seeing each other all nice and dressy?

Fifth text: I bet you hooked up

Sixth text: second base?

Seventh text: THIRD base?

Eighth text: ok im done now. you're getting chewed out sunday when I see you though

Ninth text: but only AFTER i hear all the details

Tenth text: get home safely asshole

Dahlia just replies: ":) love you" which she knows will piss Maddie off, but she still doesn't really have time to explain everything right now, nor does she want to.

They both silently pack the rest of their bags, then get their things from the bathroom. Dahlia pulls all of their towels and rags together and leaves them in a pile for the maids, and then strips the bedsheets and pillowcases to make it all easier for them. Then she leaves a note on the nightstand saying "thank you" with a $20 bill underneath it. Jenna just watches her while she does all of this.

"How thoughtful," Jenna gives a small smile and nudges her arm with hers, before they both look around one last time at their room.

"God, I'm gonna miss this place when I get back to my shitty dorm again," Jenna sighs, shaking her head. They glance over it a few more times, before Jenna shuts the door and they leave-bags in hand.

It's still mostly dark outside, but they can see the beginnings of the sunrise which are illuminating enough for them to not trip and fall into the water.

The car's there waiting with it's lights on, and Dahlia and Jenna are desperately trying to make it there before Jenna's mom wakes and they have to face her.

"Thank god we missed them," Jenna laughs, tossing her bags into the floorboard of the car.

"Yeah, definitely," Dahlia laughs, as they both start to climb in.

"Jenna?!" they both hear, and swing their heads around see where the voice was echoing from. It's still pretty dark out, but it's light enough for them to make out Jenna's mom standing on the dock in a robe. "Where the hell do you think you're going? We need to talk. Especially about what your girlfriend did yesterday-you both humiliated me! Get over here right now!"

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