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"Are you sure I, like...look okay?" Jenna asks Dahlia, after compulsively going back to stand in front of the body mirror on the back of Dahlia's door. She's wearing a normal Jenna outfit, but somehow that's not good enough today.

They're about to meet Dahlia's Mom for lunch, and Jenna has been up since six a.m. worrying about it. Which is not like Jenna at all. Dahlia doesn't think she's ever seen her give a second thought about something like her looks before, which makes her instantly know this whole thing is making her nervous.

"You look amazing like always," Dahlia walks past to her as Jenna pushes herself onto her toes slightly to kiss Dahlia on the cheek. She's already wearing shoes and Dahlia isn't, yet the height difference doesn't change.

Jenna swats her away with a laugh as she moves past her to sit on the edge of the bed to put on and tie her shoes. "You look like Jenna, which is exactly what My mom loves about you. She just wants you to be you, and so do I. If we're happy, she'll be happy too-I promise. There's nothing to be worried about."

"Yeah, well I don't want her to hate me," Jenna sighs, before breathing in deeply and running her hand across a wrinkle in her shirt.

"Hey," Dahlia furrows her eyebrows, and then stands up and grabs her nervous hands in her. Jenna takes in a breath and rolls her eyes as she looks at her. "My mom couldn't hate anyone even if she wanted to. You've met her before, and she loves you. She'll be happy, and we'll eat, and everything will be great. Besides, we already know your family hates me, so anything will be a step up from that."

"Shut up," she laughs, but Dahlia can tell she looks relieved. "Thanks, Dahli."

"Love you," Dahlia smiles, and then leans in and kisses her. She's trying to get into a habit of saying that to Jenna so she can get used to it, and accept it, and believe it.

(Plus she just likes telling her a lot.)

"Come on, let's go," Jenna smiles and shakes her head, before pulling her out of her room and out the door.

On the cab ride over, Jenna stares out the window and nervously taps her finger against the worn, leather seat beside her leg. Dahlia reaches over and grabs her hand in her's, doing the only thing she knows how to do to comfort her. Jenna squeezes her hand back, still watching out the window.

"You okay?" Dahlia asks as they stand on the sidewalk outside of the cafe, waiting to go in.

"I'm good," she nods, completely composed now. She doesn't even look slightly scared or nervous anymore, even though she knows she is.

Good actress.

Great actress.

"Let's go," Jenna tells her, before opening the door and leading the way.

Dahlia's eyes glance around the room for her mom, before spotting her in a booth staring down at the menu. She notices them walking towards her from her peripherals, so she looks up and pushes her glasses up, smiling. She looks slightly shocked when she sees Jenna with Dahlia, but that look doesn't last long.

"Oh, Jenna, I didn't know you'd be here! It's so great to see you," she tells her, standing up from her seat just to pull Jenna into a tight, warm hug. Dahlia smiles and slides into the seat opposite of her mom.

"Hey, Miss Hutton," Jenna hugs her back awkwardly, before sitting in the seat beside Dahlia. Jenna keeps her distance though, as Dahlia's mom gets back into her own seat across from them.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you, but Dahlia didn't tell me you were coming," Her mom tilts her head slightly as she looks at them, her thick hair cascading across her folded arms on the table. "Is something going on?"

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