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"Jenna," Jenna's mother nods, glancing down at her body, her clothes, in a disappointed manner. Dahlia is already terrified.

"Mom," Jenna nods, their greetings incredibly cold. "This is Dahlia, my girlfriend"

"A girl?" Her mother looks at her, narrowing her eyes, now looking at her disapprovingly.

"Dahlia Hutton," Dahlia smiles, reaching out and reaching out to shake her hand. She looks down at her, stares at her, then reaches out to shake her. Dahlia swallowed. "Nice to finally meet you"

"It's...nice to meet you too," she replies, pulling her hand back and wiping it on her trouser leg in disgust. Okay, Dahlia is nervous, but her hands weren't that gentle... were they? "It's time you found someone, isn't it, Jenna?" "Let's go, the car is waiting"

"And that's just the beginning," mutters Jenna, turning to Dahlia as her mother walks past them. Dahlia's eyes widen.

Are all Latino parents like this?

"So I noticed you weren't carrying my girls' bags," Miss Ortega turns to Dahlia in the middle of the car ride, and Jenna moans and rubs the bridge of her nose. "Is there a reason for this?"

"Leave her alone, Mom," Jenna told her, shaking her head.

"Excuse me, I think I was asking your Girlfriend- not you," her mother replies, and Jenna leans back in her seat, sighing. "So Dahlia?"

"Um, well," Dahlia looks at Jenna, trying to figure out what she should say. But she just watches her, waiting for her to come up with something. "She won't leave me. She likes to do things herself, you know? Independence and all that"

"Hmm," her mother replies, turning to look out the window. Dahlia is pretty sure there was no right answer to that, so she just takes a long, nervous breath and stares out the window at the beautiful view. They don't speak for the rest of the twenty-minute car ride.

"Here we are," sighs her mother, as if she was bored with everything all the time. "I'm going to show you around, but I have a spa appointment in fifteen minutes, so let's go."

"I love the excitement," Jenna replies, grabbing her bag from the trunk and following her.

There is a row of about ten luxurious over-water bungalows to its right in the water, all connected by a long quay. Next to it is a seemingly endless beach lined with loungers, and to the right there's a snack bar, an actual bar, a tennis court, and a line of palm trees behind it. And, as if it couldn't get any better, the sun is just starting to set, making it even more beautiful.

Dahlia now knows that as bad as anything can happen on this trip, it will all be worth it because of this perspective alone.

"We...will stay here?" Dahlia asks, looking around admiringly. "Like, in a real bungalow? On the water ?"

"Yes. This part of the island is rented for the week," her mother replies, gesturing vaguely around herself. "I'll show you your bungalow. I thought you two would want the furthest for the view"

Jenna told her that her family was rich, yes, but she never knew how rich she was.

Dahlia looks at Jenna, wondering if she thinks the same thing: we sleep in the same bungalow? But she doesn't even glance at her; she just follows her mother, bags in hand as she steps onto the platform.

"I'm definitely not missing any American weather at all right now," Jenna sighs, looking up into the sky and feeling the slight breeze flowing against her.

"There you are," her mother stands by the door, but does not enter. "I have workers to load it up with snacks and drinks, but if there's anything else you need you can go to the snack bar and add it to the tab"

"Thanks," Jenna replies, stepping inside with her bags.

"Do what you want now, but dinner is at eight o'clock. A car will pick you up at seven forty-five, so be prepared" her mother told her, not even giving Dahlia a second glance. "And Jenna? Do something with your hair before, okay? Your siblings and relatives will be there"

"Yeah, whatever," Jenna rolls her eyes, and Dahlia stares at her hair, wondering what her mom sees wrong about it. "Come on, Dahlia, mom has a spa appointment to make."

"Thanks, I do," her mother replies, then leaving. No goodbye. Dahlia can hear the click of her heels against the platform as she descends.

"Are you ok?" Dahlia asks, looking at Jenna, who is looking around their own private bungalow curiously.

"What ? Yeah, why?" She asks, laughing a little. She can tell she's putting on a face so she can't see that she's actually hurt by the way her mom treats her, but she doesn't push it any further.

"Never mind," Dahlia laughed, scratching the back of her neck. "So...we have to stay together?"

"Unfortunately, yes," she sighs, placing her bags next to one side of the bed, marking her territory.

"I don't know, I just assumed we'd be, like, separated. I mean, it's a normal thing for parents to do, isn't it?" Dahlia asks, looking around. It's just one big room, with a bed against the back wall, a small kitchenette on the right side, and the bathroom on the left. Except that the entire "wall" of the bathroom is made of glass overlooking the water. Which, funnily enough, has the shower and tub against it. It's completely transparent from their bedroom, which means Jenna and all the fish in the ocean will see her bathing.

And yes, it would be an amazing experience if they were actually together. But having absolutely no privacy while having to share this bedroom with a girl she doesn't even like has its downsides. At least the toilet has its own private chamber.

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