Twilight by Catherine Hardwicke

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Seventeen-year-old moves to , a small town on the coast, to live with her father, Charlie. Her mother, Renée, is remarried to a player, and they are often traveling. Bella makes many friends at her new high school, but she is intrigued by the mysterious and Cullen siblings. Bella sits next to in class on her first day of school, but he seems to be repulsed by her. A few days later, Bella is nearly struck by a van in the school parking lot. Edward saves her by instantaneously covering a distance of some 30 feet and putting himself between Bella and the van, stopping it without injury with only his hand. He subsequently refuses to explain his actions to Bella and warns her against befriending him.

After much research, Bella concludes that Edward is a vampire. He eventually confirms this but says he and the other Cullens only consume animal blood. The pair fall in love, and Edward introduces Bella to his vampire family. , the family patriarch, is a doctor working in Forks. His wife is , and , , , and are their informally adopted children. Edward and Bella's relationship is soon in jeopardy, however, when three nomadic vampires — , , and — arrive in Forks. James, a tracker vampire with incredible senses, is instantly intrigued by Edward's protectiveness over a human, which incites him to hunt Bella for sport. Edward and the other Cullens risk their lives to protect Bella, but James tracks her to , where she is hiding with Jasper and Alice. James lures Bella into a trap by falsely claiming that he is holding her mother hostage. James breaks Bella's ankle before biting her wrist, infecting her with vampire venom. After a ferocious fight, Edward subdues James just as the other Cullens arrive. Alice, Emmett, and Jasper destroy James, decapitating and burning him, as Edward sucks the venom from Bella's wrist, preventing her from turning into a vampire. Upon returning to Forks, Edward accompanies Bella to the high school prom, where he refuses to grant her request that he transform her into a vampire. As the couple dance, they are unaware that James' mate, Victoria, is secretly watching, plotting revenge for her lover's death.

I give it 3.2/5 stars

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