The Art of getting by- Gavin Wiesen

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George () is a loner high school student with a penchant for drawing and skipping class. He has a nihilistic view of the world which is why he never does homework and skips school frequently. His academic delinquency puts him on academic probation. One day while on the school roof he encounters another classmate, Sally (), smoking. When a teacher appears, George pulls out a cigarette and takes the fall for Sally. The two become friends. On career day, George meets a young artist, Dustin, and finds him inspiring. He brings Sally with him to visit Dustin at his studio in Brooklyn and it becomes apparent that Dustin finds Sally attractive. Sally invites George to a New Year's Eve party. At the party, she dances with an ex-boyfriend and George gets drunk, goes outside, throws up, and falls asleep in an alley. Sally finds him there and takes him to her place, putting him to bed on a pull-out next to her bed. They grow close and George gets more involved in school.

On Valentine's Day, the two go out to dinner and Sally starts asking questions what he thinks of her. George is evasive, and she asks him if he'll have sex with her. George freezes. Sally backtracks and claims she was kidding. He remains withdrawn and begs off early. He refuses to take Sally's calls and avoids her. One day Sally runs into Dustin in the street and after a while the two of them start a relationship. George who is troubled by this stops doing homework and is again sent to the principal's office. The principal gives George two choices: he can be expelled, or he can make up all of the homework he has missed all year. George is confronted by his mother and stepfather at home, and he responds by telling his mother that his stepfather has been lying about work. The stepfather attacks him and George knocks him down before taking off. He goes to Sally's place and, in the hallway, he kisses her. Sally kisses back but breaks away. Dustin is there in her apartment. Angry and hurt, George leaves.

The next morning, George finds his mother in the park. She tells him she's divorcing George's stepfather. George consoles her and begins to rethink his situation with Sally. At school he decides to make up his assignments and collects them. His art teacher tells him he wants only one project, but that it must be honest and real. George works on his assignments and takes his final exams. Sally continues seeing Dustin. One day George gets a message from Sally. They meet in a bar and Sally tells him she's going backpacking with Dustin through Europe and skipping graduation. George tells her he loves her and they go back to her apartment, where they kiss. Sally tells him that she loves him too and promises they'll be together one day. George turns in all his assignments and the principal tells him he'll know he's passed if his name is called at graduation. George's art teacher applauds him on his project. George sits at the graduation ceremony with Sally's friends with his mother in the audience. Sally is at the airport with Dustin. George's name is called and his mother applauds. Afterwards George is in the art classroom looking at his art project. It is a portrait of Sally. Sally walks in and joins him looking at the painting as the film closes.

I give it 2.9/5 stars

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