Once again, he was startled, and snapped out of his thoughts by a familiar voice. To which he fumbled to bring himself up and look at the person before him. About as cheery as the first time, and he grimaced once he realized, it was the Halloween obsessed guy from before. Why does he always catch him off guard? He sighed and stood up, forcing a smile as he usually did.

" What can I get you— "

"Are you okay? " The man interrupted, without letting Kevin continue.

" . . What? "

Well that's one of the first times he's been asked that question. The only thing he could do was stare dumbfounded at the man. Said person only bearing an expression of concern.

" Well I just thought 'cus you had your head down on the counter and you didn't hear me come in. You seemed upset. "

Stunned, Kevin just stared again at the man before he shook his head and dismissed it.

" I-I'm fine. Just— what did you say you're name was again? "

" It's Streber. " He smiled warmly.

" Streber. Okay- there was just some kids. . stealing candy earlier. Yup, and I'm upset about it. "

" Oh no. That's not good, is there any way I can help? "

Kevin dismissed him again, shaking his head. The candy stealing incident was a fib. That hadn't happened. . today at least. He wasn't going to talk about all his life problems with a stranger. That'd make HIM just as annoying. Or so he thought, at least.

" I'm guessing you want. . what was it. . a bag full of taffy plus three? "

" I'm surprised you remember! " Streber laughed " You're the only candy guy that wasn't so annoyed to see me! "

That comment made Kevin feel a bit guilty. He began pulling out the bags, before Streber stopped him.

" Actually, I just wanted a small bag of candy corn, if that's okay! "

Kevin faltered and entered a state of confusion again. Candy corn? Nobody really asked for that. It was considered "loser candy", according to this small gang of kids.

" . . Candy corn? "

" Yeah, I really like it! "

Kevin blinked. " Okay then- "

He took out one of the smaller bags, and shoveled some into it. It was no surprise that the container in the shop of said candy was full. Not even that candy got stolen. Still, maybe he shouldn't be one to judge. He knows practically every candy in the store by now.

Kevin stared down at the small bag in his hands, and made a decision he didn't even know he'd make while making it.

" . . You know what? It's on the house. "

Streber grinned, surprised. " Really? Oh no, I— "

" You're the only person that seems to like this stuff. If anything I'm trying to get rid of it. No big deal. "

Kevin shrugged it off and played it cool. While it was true he was much more stocked up on candy corn than anything else, it wouldn't make sense to just give it up. He'd bet anything he wouldn't do this for someone else. . and thus, convinced himself he did this out of guilt. For being grumpy, at first, when meeting Streber.

" Well, thank you! It means a lot. " And with that, Streber smiled, and left. Afterwards, Kevin couldn't help but shrug to himself as he began cleaning up the counter for the day. In a somewhat lighter mood than before, he murmured.

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