Chapter 1: Origins

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Unknown Room
??? POV
I couldn't remember much at all.

The things I could hear, would have to be coming from the endless chatter and shouting of men, with the sounds of grunting and punching.

???: Hit 'em! HIT 'EM!!!


???: Rip his fucking head off!

I was in the middle of a circle of men, fighting some other dude I never met. But what else did I have to know? I was just doing some work in a fight club led by a yakuza with a bunch of low life strangers taking bets with money they could use the help make their lives better.

The next thing I did, was something I stick with my values...nuts or nothing. I launched my foot at my opponent right in the god damn nuts, and kept on kicking until he lost his fucking consciousness, like the loser he is.

All I could here now were the angered men in which I'm sure I heard some cry.

???: AWW!!! DAMNIT!


???: I could've used that money to pay for my daughter's tuition....NOW IT'S ALL GONE!!

If he could've used the money to pay for his kid's tuition, then he shouldn't have come here at all. What a good for nothing joke of a man.

1 Hour Later

I was cleaning my face and the bruises I took when I was doing some fighting while I was in the gym showers. It sucked cause there was not doors and shit. Everyone's nuts were out, but I didn't care. I touched my jaw and I winced a bit.

???: Damnit...another hit to the jaw and I might've lost a tooth. Or maybe if it hit harder...

???: Hey kid...

???: Hm?

I turned around. I didn't care if I was naked or not. I saw one of the bosses's lieutenants and some other dude. I saw him literally jump at me. Probably cause of the red eyes I was born with. He almost dropped the cigarette he had in his own mouth.


???: Oh don't worry about it. It's just Tomio and his red eyes. He ain't gonna bite, or else the boss will give him a bigger debt than he does now!

Yeah, that's the name I normally was called. Tomio. I knew nothing else about me. Like my last name or anything. As for the red eyes, just something I was born with along with my black hair. No one bothered to talk to me unless they were forced to. Can't blame them I guess.

Smoker Guy: Huh? Tomio? The fuck kind of name is that?

???: I wouldn't worry. Rumor has it that his whore mother died and he had to pay off the debt she owed the boss. Makes you wonder what kind of a good for nothing scumbag his father is because of how he abandoned the woman. As a matter of fact. That debt...he's still paying for it!

The smoker began to laugh at me. I don't blame him. And frankly, I knew nothing about my parents. I don't know who they are, what they looked like. Hell, I don't even remember being held by my own mom. All I knew was she had a debt to the yakuza and she most likely committed suicide. I had inherited her debt as a result.

???: By the way, this kid does anything for money. Literally anything.

Smoker Guy: Seriously?! Like even....

???: Oh no no no no! Who the fuck kind of person would want to touch him when he lives in a lonely room in an alleyway!

Smoker Guy: Ha! Good point!

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