Janitor's Closet

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Percy's POV

I was walking through the hallways of Liberty High, trying to remember where the pool was. I tried stopping a few people in the hallway, but they all were listening to something on their phones or reading. A few girls with tons of makeup and really short & frilly dresses were eyeing me hopefully, but I steered clear of them and turned into the next hallway. God, this place was so big. I stopped another person in the hallway. "Where's the-" I stopped. She looked up, and I realized it was that blonde, Annabeth. "Uh, hi," I said, hoping I didn't sound like an idiot. She didn't say anything, but one of her books slid off the big pile she was carrying and on to the floor. I wasted no time and picked it up for her. "Thanks," she mumbled. It was the first time I'd heard her ever speak, and for some reason, I had the feeling that she would make a really great singer. "So, um..." I said, feeling stupider by the second. Then I remembered what I wanted, and said, "Would you mind showing me where the pool is?" 

She hesitated for a moment. As soon as I was about to say that it was fine, and I'd find it myself, she said, "Follow m-" She stopped, staring at something behind us. Her eyes widened in fear. She grabbed my hand and started to run. She looked beautiful when she ran like that- her hair flying in the wind, moving faster than the speed of light. "Hang on!" I said, trying to stop, but she was strong. "What's going on? Where are we going?" 

"No time to explain!" Annabeth yelled. "Just follow me!" We ran and ran until we reached the door marked Janitor's Closet. She opened the door and pulled me in, closing the door behind her.


Annabeth's POV

I was just about to show that hot guy from yesterday (I think his name is Percy?) the pool, when suddenly I saw a figure approaching us. Luke. I went into panic mode. Thankfully Percy hid me, because he was slightly taller than me, but I knew I had about thirty seconds left. I grabbed Percy's hand and ran like my life depended on it (which it pretty much did) until we reached the janitor's closet. I opened the door and pulled Percy and me inside. I let go of him, and listened through the door. I don't think Luke followed us. He probably thought we were a crazy couple or something. 

I sighed and backed away. I turned around and realized that my face was two centimeters away from Percy's. He was so handsome. Or hot. Both of them. I tried to pull away- this was so awkward, so embarrassing! What the heck are you doing, Annabeth? Pull away! You can't be in love with this guy! He probably thinks that you're a top notch weirdo! And it was probably my imagination, but Percy seemed reluctant to pull away too. Was he edging closer? No, it was definitely my imagination. He wouldn't even glance at me twice with girls like Rachel and Drew at the school. But then, why were our faces only 1 centimeter apart now? Am I going crazy? Is this my after-death punishment? Am I stuck for eternity hoping so bad for the kiss that'll never come? But no, I don't even want a kiss! Or do I??

Somehow, I managed to come back to reality and pull away. Percy blinked, as if he had just realized what was happening, and pulled away too. Phew. It felt better now that things were back to normal. He smiled as if nothing happened and didn't ask any questions, which I was thankful for. He stuck out his hand and said, "By the way, my name is Percy."

"I know," I mumbled. He blinked. I quickly said, "Um, I mean... that's a nice name." I shook his hand. "I'm Annabeth."

"That's a really nice name too. Annabeth. Reminds me of my aunt's name, except hers is Anneabetha, but my friend's cousin's name is sort of like Annabethia-" He stopped, embarrassed, but I found it pretty cute. "Anyways Annabeth, see you around, I guess?" he said in an unsure way. I smiled at him, or at least tried to (I had forgotten how to properly smile) and said, "See you around." He exited the closet. I waited a minute and made sure the coast was clear before stepping out of the door.

I felt as if I were in heaven. I skipped through the hallway, ignoring all the stares. I did a little twirl in front of the Statue of Liberty replica and I even said hi to someone passing by in the hallway, leaving them standing there looking startled. I reached my science class. I walked in and greeted Mrs. Abbey with a huge smile. She looked at me as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Annabeth, why are you so ha-" She quickly changed her words. "I mean, did anything- did anything special happen today?"

I nodded and smiled, but I didn't bother to give any details. People were staring at me, but I walked to the back of the class. Sure enough, Luke was there. But even he couldn't spoil my mood today.

"What's wrong?" He said, glaring at me suspiciously. 

"I, um... I got extra credit for writing about the entire galaxy instead of just 3 planets for astrology," I said. Luke rolled his eyes and clapped his hands sarcastically. But I didn't care. I didn't care about anything at all, for that moment. All I could think about was how beautiful those eyes were. His eyes. Not Luke's, but Percy's, beautiful sea green eyes. The sea green eyes that would bring me to a whole new perspective of life.


Here is Chapter 5! I was glad I could give you guys another chapter before my vacation, and once again thank you for supporting me by reading this story! This means the world to me and I will work hard on it as often as I can!

If I can't bring out Chapter 6 soon, stay tuned! I might post small bits just to give you guys something and not make you wait. Thanks again!

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