Love at first sight... almost

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Percy's POV

Today we were gonna go to Liberty High & stay there for the whole year. I groaned. Except for the fact that my friends Nico, Grover & Frank studied there, I didn't wanna go. New gossip about me, new rumors... I sighed. Jason came and clapped his hand on my shoulder. "Wassup, bro?" he said. "Why're you looking so down?" "Nothing," I mumbled. "Well, cheer up! Today we're going to Liberty High! I heard that the girls are really hot in that place!" he said, grinning like an idiot. I rolled my eyes. "Grow up, Jason. We're not going there to harass anyone." 

"I know, but still. Think the school bus is here, let's go!" I grabbed my suitcase with all my stuff and we went to the bus. We met Beckendorf & Leo on the bus. Their dad married twice so even though they were step brothers they looked nothing alike. Beckendorf was big and had lots of muscles, but he was a softie on the inside. Leo was a tiny & scrawny Latino elf that had a big (and very bad) sense of humor. "Y'all excited?" Leo said, whooping. The other guys laughed and made jokes while I stood there, not really listening. The other guys noticed and Beckendorf chuckled, "I wouldn't worry so much, Perce. You're captain of the swim team, school sports ambassador. You're not gonna have any trouble," he said, winking at me. I smiled at him and joined the guys in their jokes. But little did I know that after today my life would be changed forever. 


We arrived at Liberty High. It was a tall & impressive building with a small replica of the Statue of Liberty on the side. We walked inside and listened to a 30-minute speech from the principal, Mr. D (Dionysus).  "Cut the crap," Jason muttered. "I wanna get started on the tour." Finally, he assigned us our tour guides. I was with Jason, Travis & Connor Stoll (the twin troublemakers) & Thalia, Jason's sister. Did I mention that me, Jason & Thalia and Nico are cousins? Nico's dad put him in Liberty instead of Goode because it was more convenient for him. But anyways, our tour guide was a girl named Katie. As soon as Travis saw her, he went into idiot mode and grinned like a creepy clown while saying "Hi my name is Travis I know I'm so cool but you don't need to be scared of me I may look scary but I'm not." He winked at her. Her response was something like, "Ummmmmmmmmmmm okay... Now let's start the tour I guess." Travis looked crestfallen while Connor said something to him and I got the feeling that whatever it was it wasn't exactly something to cheer him up. He glared at Connor and Connor laughed. 

Katie showed us the school. Not a bad place. The pool was bigger than Goode's but Goode's gym is a lot bigger than Liberty's gym. After the tour, we were talking in the hallway when something- or someone, caught my eye. 

I caught my breath. She turned around. She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Her hair curled around her shoulders, and I had to resist wanting to touch it. There were many bruises on her face and arms and her hand was wrapped in a cast, but I ignored all of that. All I could think about were her rosy lips and stormy gray eyes. She seemed perfect. I thought about what Jason said. I didn't know if all girls at Liberty were hot, but this girl looked even more beautiful & perfect than the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite.

I stopped someone in the hallway. "What's that blonde's name?" I asked. She glanced at her and said, "Annabeth. She barely talks to anyone and she's really anti-social. She used to be one of the popular girls, but now she doesn't have any friends and she doesn't talk to anyone- she only has her boyfriend, Luke." Oh. So she was taken, huh? Well that wasn't gonna stop me. This girl was meant for me, I knew it. Looking at her, I sensed a feeling of calmness & happiness inside me. But, her being anti-social and stuff, it really bothered me. Why did she have all these cuts and bruises? I swore to myself that I would find out what was going on with her, and I would help her.

The sound of a picture being taken pulled me out of my thoughts. I saw Thalia, Jason, Travis & Connor laughing their heads off, looking at something on Connor's phone. It was a picture of me practically drooling (I know, embarrassing) as I stared at Annabeth. "Delete that!" I yelled, trying to grab Connor's phone. "Hmmm... only if you do what I say." He pulled me closer and whispered in my ear. I groaned. Just the sort of thing Connor would do. "Do it! Do it!" the Stoll brothers cheered. "Here goes nothing" I muttered. I walked up to Annabeth and braced myself for what I was about to do. "Hey cutie!" I said & whistled. Thalia, Jason & the Stolls laughed and high-fived each other. Just then, Annabeth glared at me. She stepped toward me as if to punch me. I cursed at myself. Why did I agree to Stoll's stupid dare? Here we go, I thought to myself.


I hope you guys liked that chapter! Please do comment down below & Chapter 4 is now out!

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