39: Written All Over Your Face

Start from the beginning

I ordered some tea, which arrived barely a few minutes before the girls got here, equipped in everything they needed to get me to look presentable. They sat me at the vanity and got started working on me simultaneously. Maddie tamed the unruly curls in my hair by turning them into voluminous waves as Gina brought some warmth to my sleep deprived face with brown shadows and bronzer. They chattered amongst themselves mostly, asking me a few questions about last night's outing. I limited the information on giving a vague description of the evening, skipping over the episode with the guy that approached me.

Halfway through their process, my stylist dropped in and helped me pick out the outfit for the day. I'd be on camera, so I needed to dress nicely, but not too formally. Yet, I needed to look put together. But overly complicated clothing was not something I was willing to deal with today, so I settled on a classic beige, plaid suit. The pops of red lines in the pattern made it interesting enough to not be too business-like, and I paired it with a white tank and white sneakers for comfort. I thanked all of them once we were done and gathered the few things I'd need through the day in a purse I slung over my shoulder.

I was supposed to meet Louis outside the hotel, where our driver would take us both to the first interview. I unenthusiastically made my way down to the ground floor and through the busy lobby, wishing I could've stayed in my room and do nothing instead. But this was my job, I reminded myself. A job I chose, I fought for for years. So I forced myself to be glad I had so many interviews booked today, thinking about all the exposure I'd get out of it. The thought definitively helped with my motivation, and I caught myself smiling as I walked out of the hotel. But that smile instantly dropped, my body going limp once I faced Louis. Specifically, who was standing beside him.

"What is he doing here?" I didn't even address Niall directly, staring at Louis instead. He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest as he squinted his eyes. His hat was creating a good enough shelter from the sun, so I knew he hadn't narrowed them out of discomfort.

"Good morning to you, too." He countered, not once breaking eye contact with me. I glared at him, taking cautious steps towards the two of them as they stood in front of the car. Niall showed his usual indifference, chewing on his gum as he hid behind his aviators, hair evidently unstyled and a bit messy. He had a dark blue Adidas T-shirt on, one that looked too snug to be his own. Apart from that, it looked awfully similar to the large collection of shirts from that brand Louis owned.

"I wasn't expecting we'd be a crowd." I gave both of them a pointed look. Louis rolled his eyes, already showcasing annoyance. Niall scoffed, turning his back to me as he opened the car door.

"I'll be in the car." He muttered before climbing in, leaving the door slightly open. I grabbed onto Louis' forearm and yanked him closer, catching him by surprise. I spoke quietly, hoping Niall wouldn't be able to hear our conversation.

"Answer my question, Tomlinson." No matter how harsh I was, I knew I'd never intimidate him. The light laugh he stifled was proof of that.

"Can you relax? He asked to come along this morning. I had no reason to tell him no. Plus, him being seen around you is great press." Louis mused, shaking my grip off before straightening out his sleeve.

"What if I didn't want him to be here, did you ever think of that?" I crossed my arms over my chest, nibbling on the inside of my mouth. Louis huffed at me, making a show of rolling his eyes yet again.

"You know you're being dramatic, right? He practically saved you last night. Why are you avoiding him?" I could definitely see Louis' point, could understand what he was telling me. But he didn't know the full story. He didn't know the guy used Niall's old name. He hadn't noticed all the little gaps in Niall's narrative when it came to his past, or the odd things he'd sometimes mention. He didn't know his sister and nephew were hidden from the world, how set he was on keeping them a secret as a form of protection.

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