Arc 1 | Ch.2 | The Arrival

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Akio felt cold, he lay down on the cold and hard ground below him, he moved his right arm and felt the crumbly and powdered-like feeling of dirt. His eyes twitched before the lack of warmth woke him up. He knit his eyebrows, it was cold, and the sky was hidden by a wall of grey that blocked any form of warmth trying to pass through from above. 

He got up and looked around, he was at the back of the Fuyuki church, and he was wearing his Enforcer's uniform -- or what he wore as a uniform. A Holy Shroud Mystic Code rejected external conditions, thus making him immune to extreme temperatures. It was a crimson coat with silver kanji written on the back. He thought it had been destroyed completely, before the war. The weight on his hip was strange, it was nothing like the black keys he was used to wielding, those were light. He looked at his hip. On it, a beautifully decorated golden sword was sheathed.

Akio's eyes widened, "Gram," he felt the sword shiver and hum like it understood him and answered. He placed his hand on the sword's pommel, then looked at the church, there was a spike in heat, and a feeling that could only be described as all of the hairs on his body standing up, warning him of a prana influx.  "It's inside the church..." he walked toward the entrance, pushing the door inward.

At the other side of the church, behind the small podium was a large swirling void of energy. A sphere emitting cosmic smoke that would get pushed out, then dragged back in, creating a large cycle of creation and destruction. The rift was his height, no, a little taller, and twice his length. 

The amount of prana being released from the rift made Akio question if it was really that safe to go inside, was Alaya going to make him go through it, and instead of a rift, he'd be met with a space blender? He gripped Gram tightly.

Gram's hilt warmed as the sword shivered and peacefully hummed, almost like it was telling him it was safe. He knit his eyebrows, according to myth, Gram was both the sword of glory and of ruin. Was it messing with him? He walked toward the rift and with narrowed eyes, he tried to comprehend what kind of magecraft spell he was looking at. 

It was incredibly complex space-time displacement magecraft. He told himself he was somewhat a specialist in exactly that, but upon seeing the rift he wasn't too sure, 'Maybe I should stick to swords' were his first thoughts. 'There is no way the will of humanity and of this planet would ask for my help just to mess with me right?' Akio looked at the sword in his hip, 'Then again...dying... It doesn't sound so bad.' He took a step toward the portal.

He felt his circuits slowly heat up, causing a massive discomfort, his knees and elbows hurt like they were separating from their joints, and his bones felt like they were breaking, then nuzzling on each other causing his insides to become messy inside. He grit his teeth through the pain as the vortex sucked him in. 

As he passed through the giant vortex of cosmic dust, he saw it pass in blinks, events of his life flashed around him at light speeds, looking distorted. He was pulled back by his back, the vortex had resistance like a hair-thin string was attached to his back and was resistant enough to carry his weight and the vortex's force. 

He could feel the string slowly cave into the weight and the pressure. The pain left his body, and he felt extremely tired. His body's fatigue was akin to a marathon runner after their race, his eyes could barely keep themselves open. He caved into slumber, and as he did he felt a warm touch on his face.

He opened his eyes and saw two sky-blue orbs staring back at him. Long flowing and silky black hair and a smile that could warm the heart of the coldest monsters in existence. 

"You have the courage of a dragon and the body of a hero. You can do anything, my little hero."

He closed his eyes and felt the string snap, sending him falling. 

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