Chapter 20

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(I'm sooo sorry that it took me this long to post again. Please forgive me. I have been very busy, hope you all are doing alright. Hope you still like the story. Sorry again.)

Sometimes when you least expect it, good things happen.

The little man in front of Cristine is about 4 now, soon he'll be turning 5.

Cristine couldn't believe it herself, how big her first born is now, she smile and cry all at the same time.

Maximus is distress as he sees her different emotions.

Maximus: are you alright princess?

You could see he was truly concerned for Her.

He looks at her puzzled, Maximus make his way towards her and stand by her side as he tries to hold her, he ask her once again if she is alright.

she doesn't say anything, she let loose of him and walk towards the little one.

The little one stand there with a straight face looking at her.

She stand there a whole minute studying him, he looks at her back in silence not knowing what to think of this. Maximus was oblivious of what to do.
It is clearly to him she is overwhelmed with different emotion for his son.

Maybe this was too much for her, he thinks.

The next thing, she crouch down and look at her son with such adoration.

She bring her hand up slowly and make a move to touch his face, she was still thinking that this might be a dream, that she might wake up from this as soon as she touches him.

with trembling hands she reach his cheeks, she gasp  as her fingers makes contact with his checks, is this truly happening ? Is all she thinks.

Tears kept coming down her face, she was silently crying as she caress his face slowly.

The little one looks at her with a bit of sadness because it pains him to see her like that.
He doesn't know why she is crying.

The kid didn't flinch or move, he felt like a string pulling him to her, he felt something good with her.

This makes him smiles at her and that was it for her, as soon as she saw that beautiful smile of his she immediately hugs him and brake into tears.

She cries on his shoulders.

She couldn't contain her emotions, they all came flooding out, it was a mixture of relieve, sadness and happiness.

She's Relieved because her pain and agony is suddenly gone, the sadness she felt because she lost her son when he was a baby, he vanished and she lost precious years with him, but also soon after what came in after the sadness place was happiness, happiness because her baby is alive, well and finally with her.

Maximus: What is wrong Cristine?

He ask worried.

Maximus goes by their side quick and ask her once again very worried for her.

The little one felt bad for her because she was crying so much.

Maximus is thinking that her reaction has to do with his sons looks, because his son looks a lot like their son.

Maximus: princess what is going on? Little max might find this a bit strange, you are crying on his shoulder.

He say holding her and trying to break their hug so he can hug her and comfort her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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