Chapter 3

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Subsisting the case...

*After my awkward moment with Amber and Maximus we returned to the ball. Maximus and I looked around for his wife, (Ugh I hate saying that) but we couldn't find her. She was gone. Her scent was faint.

*He tried calling but she wasn't answering, so he called his beta and asked him. His beta came over to him, he bows to me and proceed to tell him the reason, I didn't pay any attention to what he was saying. I was busy looking around to see if Amber had came back. I had send her on a specific task for me.

*I excuse myself and go look for her, Maximus didn't want to let go of my hand, but after I assured him that I'll be back, he let me go. Some people were looking very curious at us when that happened. Some whisper, others were texting while also glancing at us. I'm sure they are gossiping about us being to friendly.

*I didn't care, they know better than to incorporate my name in their gossips. If so much of a picture, a text or a gossip involving any royalty go around. They will regret it.

*When Penelope was 20, she had assisted the ball for the first time, she met a guy, and was too friendly with him, that guy  wasn't her mate. She liked him and he liked her too. People didn't know if they were mates or not, they just assumed they were mates and took pictures and gossip around about them.

*When everyone knew they weren't mates, people started slut shaming my sister. Well that was till father got involved in the matter. He started to threatened the people that were talking about his daughter.. and he made an example of one of them.

*Father is not a bad person. He loves his children and is a fair leader. The thing about this person is that he had put a picture of Penelope's face on a naked body and send it around to everyone, saying that she had a price so that anyone who could pay her can have her.

*So father punished him. Put him in the dungeons first and after a few weeks lash him in public with a whip that have silver thorns attached to it.
What is a royal family without scandals.

*So even tho I know that they are talking about me being to friendly with him. They won't dare mention my name, for fear of what father might do to them and because Maximus is married,  maybe they think like me? What I think is that if his wife finds out, she might cause a scene thinking that we had an affair.
But hey, everyone Is in for a surprise.

*Amber wave at me from across the room and I made my way to her. When I get there she tells me while she giggle that everything is set and done. As I thanked her Maximus and his beta come to us.

*Amber grab a hold of my arm and look straight ahead at Maximus's beta. Is this what I think it is? She smiles from ear to ear and aproach the guy. He looks at her shocked, but happy.

*It's not strange for a princess to be mated with a beta or someone of lower rank. Uncle and father had thought us that what matters is the value of the person in itself. Not the position they have. Amber is not your normal kind of princess, she doesn't care about luxury or titles, she cares more about helping others and being a better person.

*They stand in front of each other and he bows at her, she giggles and ask him his name. To what he answers that his name is Eric.
Maximus and I kept our gazes on them.

*Amber squeal when he grabs her hand and kiss it. She grabs his hand and take him with her. She was making her way towards uncle Mathew.
Eric looks back at us and smile as he let Amber lead the way.

Maximus: Man, I do not wish to be him right now. Telling the king that he is his daughters mate.

*To this I giggle. He looks at me and smile.

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