The First Victim

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Hey there! Kyle here, we've been hearing some news that people all over town are found dead. Dead on their backyard, dead on the street, almost everywhere. Me, Stan, Kenny, Butters, Cartman and Team Craig has been investigating too, so we can solve this a little faster. I always notice that Cartman is always smirking at Butters. I don't know why though, I guess... planning another trick or prank? Meh, that fatass is nothing but trouble.
We found blood stained cloth. We let Clyde examine this. He said it's from a 6th grader, who was killed days ago. Seems like it. Tweek started to freak out, once he knew that the killer kills even at our school. That 6th grader died in their classroom. They said the lights went out and they found him dangling on a rope tied to his neck. With knife stabs on the chest and back.
"Tweek, calm down, damn it, you're not the only human here, God!"
I heard the fatass scold him, which made him even more scared.
"Gee, that helped a lot, Cartman"
Kenny said to Cartman sarcastically. Clyde patted his back, which seemed to have calmed down. Good.
We kept searcing. Craig found a bloody..... arm.
"Ew, the hell is that?!"
I heard Cartman react, but he was smiling. Like it looks cool to him.
"Umm... A bloody arm.."
Craig said, rolling his eyes over Cartman.
I just noticed something.
"Uh, where's Butters?"
I told them, they looked at each other.
"Yeah, where is Butters?"
I heard Token as he searched for Butters as well.
Moments later
"OH GOD!!"
We heard Tweek scream at the corner of the hallway. We ran as fast as we could.
What a horrible sight to begin with, more dead bodies lie around the floor. And still no Butters.
Where could he be? He couldn't have gotten far, right. Maybe he got scared and ran off when we weren't looking.
"Let's keep looking."
Stan stated and everyone followed. Just in case you don't know, there are two people here, who serves as leaders, and that's Stan and Craig. Just so you know.
We heard another scream shot out.
It was Clyde.
We ran towards him and saw... something we couldn't imagine.

Dead on spot.
We all couldn't believe it, he's dead. Tweek panicked, Clyde was so terrified that his eyes watered. Kenny ran towards him, since it's his best friend who died. He couldn't believe it. He kept shaking Butters, hoping that he'll wake up but, nothing.
His arm was seperated from his body. And when Kenny turned Butters's body around to his back, it was filled with stabs.
Stabs that no human could've survived at.
Kenny kept hugging Butters' dead body. We all watched, as we saw one of our dearest friends, gone.
Clyde still petrified. Token had watery eyes. And Tweek put his hands over his head, and shook his head, like he was in a dream.
Stan grabbed his shoulders.
"Tweek! He's gone! He's gone! He is never coming back!! Don't think this is a dream, because it is REAL!"
Stan yelled at Tweek as he shook him back and forth. That didn't help Tweek at all. He started crying and he wouldn't stop.
"Marsh, you shouldn't have done that."
Craig scolded Stan as he patted Tweek on the back. Stan looked down and apologized. Seems like he's losing it.
We went to a corner and sat down to rest for a while. The killer, is in this school. No doubt about it.
Tweek was still crying. Token was trying to get Clyde back together. Kenny still couldn't believe it.
Stan, disappointed. Craig was comforting Tweek.
Cartman looks like he's thinking of something.

"We should get some rest."
Craig ordered.
I guess we should. After all, we needed to avenge Butters.
I hope no one dies from now on.
I already miss him. That smile, those cute and adorable eyes. That laugh and enthusiasm.
I wish that killer didn't exist.
We rested our eyes and tried to get some sleep.

KillerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz