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despite the mood being crumbled yesterday, today harry and louis go to the station in a happy mood.

yesterday harry had to entered louis' room to grab something and immediately sprung into action when he notices louis' pale face and harsh breathing. he didn't have to do anything though because Louis reassured him that he was fine and showed him the cause of his pale skin which resulted in harry kissing his head and saying that he will track the number.

they hadn't really talked since the morning until now when Louis spots harry talking to their coworker near his office. his eyes find Louis and he smiles mid talking when Louis blows him an air kiss. he walks past him to enter his office but harry holds him by the elbow.

Louis turns around, confused but smiling. he sends a nod towards their coworker then returns his attention back to harry.

"what's wrong-" harry cups his face and kisses him deeply, breathing softly through his nose. Louis sighs into the kiss and his shoulders drop , placing his hand on Harry's shoulder to steady himself among the over whelming feeling.

their relationship hasn't really been announced but it isn't hidden anymore. sometimes when Harry's walking with his team and spots Louis nearby , he jogs over to him to kiss his cheek or during lunch time, he'd place Louis on his thigh and force food into him

they part away with a click "what was the for?"

harry straightens with a proud smile on his lip when their coworker whistles "Anthony isn't around anymore and I can kiss you. and also I miss you"

Louis giggles and presses a kiss to his cheek before sliding into his office.

he's too busy smiling and being in love that a cough inside of his office scares him.

he looks up.

it's Anthony.

"hello, Louis" he's sitting in louis' chair with his feet propped up on louis' desk, his shoes on every file that has stolen a part of Louis' sanity just to be worked through.

Louis immediately reaches for the door knob to inform harry but he hears the click of Anthony's gun. "come have a seat, Tomlinson."

Louis inhales shakily through his nose and turns slowly, fists his hands into viscous spheres to contain his emotions. he takes ginger steps towards Anthony "what do you want?"

Anthony hangs his head back with a laugh "you genuinely thought I wouldn't think of you walking out of the office?"

Louis tilts his head in confusion.

"I have three people ready and hired to shoot harry if you mess anything up"

louis' entire stomach flips and his breakfast turns into acid. he presses his fist to his stomach to stop himself from throwing up at the news "what do you want me to do? I'll do anything ,just... don't hurt him" Louis pleads with an understandable shakiness in his voice.

for a passing second, Louis can see an emotion behind Anthony's eyes. it isn't fury or smugness , it's almost pity. it's gone as fast as it appeared though. Anthony removes his legs from the desk and leans forward

"you're going to go say goodbye to your little boyfriend. you're going to tell him not to wait for you and I promise you Louis if you try and hint at something, I'll have him killed right infront of you"

Louis stands up on wobbly legs and rushes out of the office. he looks around him where he can only make out a few items among the blurred out vision and since no one is particularly paying attention to him, he decides to allow some of his tears to silently flow.

he wipes them away with the sleeve of his shirt though, of course. he has to tell harry goodbye first.

he crosses the short distance between their offices and he stares at Harry's closed door as he relaxes his shoulders and prepares his soul.

he knocks even though harry has warned him numerous times that he should just open the door and walk in. he cracks it open when Harry's utters his approval.

harry looks up from his file and he shares a dimpled smile "hello love"

Louis smiles gently and he closes the door behind him after he enters the room.

God his heart hurts.

"hey" harry stands up and reaches Louis rapidly, wrapping him in his warm embrace. his kisses his cheek gently "are you already done with work?"

"no, no i–" Louis forces his tears down.

I'm going to leave you.

"I have field work. I'm leaving now" he lies through his gritted teeth.

harry hums and he pulls back, kissing louis' lips gently. Louis sighs and melts into the kiss as he decides that savouring it would cause no harm other than guide him through his dark times away from harry.

"you don't seem very happy about that. do you want me to come with you?" harry brushes over louis' cheekbones.

"no!" Louis jolts then mentally curses himself when he realizes he's being too defensive.

"okay...I'll drive you" harry departs to grasp his keys from his desk.

"..Alex is driving me!" Louis makes up before harry can fully reach his desk. harry turns around and his eyes clean up of all the worries "oh!"


"okay, that's great. you be safe okay?" harry hugs him then kisses him softly again. Louis sneaks his hand behind Harry's neck and he keeps their faces close, eyes shut with tears coating his inner eyelids.

"I love you" he whispers shakily. possible for the last time.

not for the first time, he wishes he could hear harry say it.

just one last time.

harry pulls back, eyebrows twitching in concern "are you okay?"

the coldness is a slap to louis' face as he gets thrown back into the real world "I gotta go"

he pulls harry in for one last kiss before he departs from the office with his lip between his teeth and his eyes filled with acid.

he just said goodbye to the love of his life.

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