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"he hates me"

"he doesn't" Noah says as he toys with a note stuck on the board littered with evidence harry had collected over the weeks. currently, noah's occupying the visitor's space in Harry's office as harry mumbles on about the new situation he has encountered yesterday.

"noah" harry whines and swats his hand away "you didn't see how...feisty he was yesterday"

yesterday after the eventful night Louis had fallen asleep onto Harry's shoulder which lead to harry carrying him and tucking him into the bed with a timid kiss on the corner of the mouth. he stayed for ten minutes, just admiring and brushing through his hair, trying to wrap his mind around the entire situation.

"Louis is always stubborn and you know it" Noah tips his glasses back to the bridge of his nose "but you also know he loves you, harry."

harry stills, head dazing slightly "I'm not too sure anymore."

Noah sighs frustratedly and stands up to signal his urge to leave the office for his own job before he grabs harry by the shoulders "I'll tell you something"

harry stares at him, defeated with slouching shoulders. "tell me"

"that day when Louis got shot" Noah ignores the way harry tenses at the mention "when you entered the room. louis' heartbeat increased''

harry mouth deems dry and he chokes on the last bit of saliva decorating his throat "his what"

Noah smirks and pinches his arm "there's still hope, H. go talk to your boy." he picks up his bag and waves at Harry before leaving the office , forgetting to carry all the thoughts with him seeming at they gather around harry.

he sighs. he's aware that sooner or later he'll have to stumble upon a talk with Louis about the unexplained situations they keep getting stuck in. work is frozen today and Louis is in the office opposite to him so he squashes his doubts down and sends a quick prayer that everything goes smoothly before he as well leaves the office.

he crosses the distance between their offices in a few steps and places his hesitating hand on the door knob, the cold metal providing an electric feeling.

now or never.

harry inhales and twists the door knob, peaking his head in gingerly to take a glance at the tension in the room. Louis snaps his head up from where his eyes where glued onto the yellow file that lays infront of him and stands up rapidly.

"busy?" harry asks.

"uh-" Louis glances at the file before he snaps it shut "No. not busy. come in" Louis switches his seat for the chair facing Harry's and he toys with his hands in his lap, permanent frown on his face.

"are you okay" harry questions.

"fine" Louis focuses his gaze on the window behind harry instead of meeting his burning gaze that seems to always make him confess.

"Lou" harry reaches forwards and places his hand on louis' bouncing knee "talk to me. what's bothering you?"

Louis shuts his eyes for a passing second and hangs his head low, trying to focus on bettering his pacing breath before he finally looks at Harry with his bottom lip nestled between his teeth nervously "I'm sorry"

"for what?" harry watches as Louis stands up and paces the room with a hand rushing through his shiny locks of hair.

"yesterday. whatever that was" harry stands up and gently locks louis' wrist in-between his hand to stop his motion. Louis twists around and Harry cups his face, tracing over his obvious pout with his thumb.

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