Chapter 75

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Another week had passed and we're currently on our way to the hospital for my check up. Elizabeth should be on a meeting right now with the higher at the studios for the final catch up with the upper team but cancelled everything for this. Even though I didn't agree to that idea, I'm still glad that she's doing this with me.

I'm still having chest pains at least once a day. Some of them are quite strong, it would make me nauseous but sometimes it would only hurt for a few seconds then the pain subsides almost immediately. It's weird I know, the one that scares me is the strong ones, when I have those I feel like dying and it would take time for me to recover.

"We're here" I snapped out of my thoughts hearing the engines turned off. I then looked to my side seeing Elizabeth putting her phone in her purse before looking at me.

"You ready?" I gave her a small nod not quite sure if I'm ready to know what my condition is. Elizabeth lets out a sigh before touching the side of my face offering a small smile, I guess she can see how bothered am I right now about this.

"Its going to be alright honey. You're going to be okay." I smile at the gentleness of her voice giving me some kind of reassurance that maybe I am going to be okay. I take her hand on my face and place a kiss on her palm.

"Come on. Let's get this over with." I say and she nods. So I immediately got off the car and jogged to her side opening the door for her and help her put of the car. When the doors were locked and secure she wraps an arm around mine as we make our way to the hospital.

I'm still not used to walking around these halls. I really hate hospitals. Maybe because of the memories I've had before. Having these terrible panic attacks before and I would always end up in a hospital bed. So I kept Elizabeth close to me as possible to prevent a trigger from that. I won't want to spend a night in here just because I had a panic attack again.

"Oh hi Ms. Olsen, Dr. Fox is still talking with a patient. Please take a seat, I'll call Ms. Beveridge in a moment." The doctor's assistant, I believe her name is Jill, says as soon as we approached her desk.

"Thank you Jill." Yup I was right, that's her name. I allow myself to be pulled by my girlfriend at the waiting corner and sat by the couch. I gently rest my head on her shoulder and started playing with her rings on her hand just to distract myself from everything around me and also my thoughts.

"Shan, since I'm not on a meeting right now, Just tell me how are we doing with the show? Where are we at the moment?"

"Uh-We have about two episodes left as of the moment to work on. The remaining eight episodes are done. But don't worry about it we're beyond our timeframe and the remaining episodes will be finished in two days. Then Mark and I we'll have a rerun of each episodes to make sure everything is polished then will send everything immediately to Kit for her review and maybe she'll be the one to send it to you guys."

"Well, that is a very detailed report from my dear director." She says making me smile and look up to her resting my chin on her shoulder seeing that smile on her face.

"Need to impress one of my executive producers don't I?" I say making her giggle.

"Just one?"

"Just you sweetheart." She hums in response before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I then return my head on her shoulder and turn my attention to her hands again. I laced our fingers and its only now, I realized how her hand fits in mine perfectly and seeing my grandma's ring still sitting on her finger just makes me smile.

After a while of waiting, Jill finally called my name. So Elizabeth and I got up from our seat and walked in the doctor's office.

"Oh hi Shannon and Elizabeth. Please take a seat." We did as we we're told and take our seat across his desk.

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