Chapter 21

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Its Thursday afternoon and that only means, I have like 2 hours away from meeting Scarlett and I'm shittin' myself. I'm trying my best to stay calm and take my mind off it so I wouldn't have a panic attack any moment now. So now, I'm cleaning and organizing my cameras just to distract me as I wait for Elizabeth to get ready.

Elizabeth said Scarlett is with Colin too so basically, we're on a double date. Just thinking about it though feels so surreal. I've never imagined that this would happen in my life let alone date someone who is actually very well known in the industry. Yes, I've had a lot of celebrity encounters lately because of my work and also Cari was a performer and I was with her when she went on tour last year. But this is different. It's more complicated and scary but at the same time interesting and everything just feels so right with her.

Well, that's on me though. I chose to love her and everything that comes with her. As long as she wants to be with me then I wouldn't want yo be anywhere else. She's all I need and that's the one thing I've been sure of since I met her.

"Hey Shan" I turn around hearing her voice and automatically a wide smile appeared on my face

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"Hey Shan" I turn around hearing her voice and automatically a wide smile appeared on my face. She looks so beautiful even though she's just wearing a sweater and some jeans. "How's this?" She asks as she stood by the bedroom door looking so effortlessly beautiful.

I smile as I put down my camera on the coffee table and stood up walking over to her a smile creeping on her lips. I stare at her face in awe as pinning her against the door frame.

"What?" She smiles biting her bottom lip before looking into my eyes.

"I'm having an 'Oh wow' moment." I smiled like a love sick fool. She giggles before playfully shoving my face away and retreating to the bedroom. I shake my head and release a soft chuckle before going back to the couch and cleaning the rest of my cameras. Its only now, I realized that my collection is growing like I have a number of cameras in front of me and i need to find a perfect spot to put them because they've been laying around the house for quite some time now.

After a while, Elizabeth walks out of the bedroom and sat beside me wrapping her arms around me making me smile.

"So how are you feeling?" She asks resting her chin on my shoulder looking at me. She smiles at me as I look at her and her eyes moved to my lips making me smile.

"Surprisingly, I'm fine for now." She giggles making me smile. "I don't know, maybe I'll feel it later."

"Hmm, you'll be fine." She whispers snuggling further into me so I raised my arm letting her lay her head on my chest my arm falling around her. I smile in confusion on how she's acting but I didn't dare to speak because I was enjoying every moment of it. She lets out a sigh and felt her melt in my arms and that is just the best feeling in the world.

"Sweetheart don't sleep on me. We're meeting Scarlett and Colin in an hour." I whispered.

"Hmm, I can't help it. I'm cozy." I smile at her cuteness. I placed my camera back down on the coffee table and wrapped my arms tightly around her planting a kiss on top of her head before pulling back so I can see her. She looks up to me with a drowsy smile, She's sleepy.

Photograph (Elizabeth Olsen Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu