Chapter 10

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We've been going around the town for the whole day today just filming everything that's been going on for content and I'm beaten not to mention I haven't had a proper sleep for two days but I had fun though. Tomorrow we'll continue this little tour of Jess's home town because Alex was so into nature walk. We are currently staying in this little cottage near the woods. It's so pretty and peaceful, my kind of thing. I also did something earlier, I got my hair cut shorter and I don't know if i like it. It's still processing

Well, it'll grow eventually

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Well, it'll grow eventually. Anyway, its already 10pm so maybe its around 7pm LA time. Mark texted me earlier said they'll pack up early today because the sequences that they'll be shooting went smoothly considering Elizabeth's meltdown earlier and he also said that she needs some rest for her premiere tomorrow. Which reminds me I promised to text her today but first I really need to get ready for bed my back and feet are killing me.

So while Alex can't stop talking about our little tour earlier, I took a relaxing shower gives me a few minutes to try and clear my head. I've been doing that more often these past few days, it helps. After that I changed into some cozy pjs before I threw myself to bed closing my eyes enjoying the comfort.

"Goodnight, Peach!" I yelled as I fix myself on bed. I was about to open my phone when Alex burst in my door.

"Can I borrow your charger. I swore I threw it in my bag when I was packing. I guess I left it at yours." I rolled my eyes and gave her my charger which she gladly took.

"Thanks, Goodnight Shan. Tell your girl I said hi." She winked making me let out a chuckle and shake my head. I laid in bed letting out a sigh in the process and open my phone to send a message to Elizabeth.

Hey, Mark said you did good today so as promised, I'm sending you this text just to congratulate you on that! Anyway, text me when you get home okay so I'll know your safe.

I hit send and rest my phone on my chest. I closed my eyes and rest for a bit because my body is already craving for rest. I can feel myself drifting off when my phone rang making me jump almost dropping my phone from my chest, fortunately my reflexes are still working and caught it immediately. I look at it squinting through the screen seeing Elizabeth wants to Face Time so I answered it without giving it a second thought.

'Hi Shan bee!' she said sweetly with a gleaming smile. A smile form on my face seeing that s.cute face.

'Hi Elizabeth' She seems to be in her car, probably she's on her way home which is good. I laid on to my side on the bed as I watch her on the screen. God after a day of scenes, she still managed to look perfect.

'I'm on my way home. We packed up early today.'

'I was told. Peach said hi by the way.'

'Aww tell her I said hi back. I can't wait to meet your friends. How was your day though? You look tired'

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