Chapter 11

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Today is Jess's brother's wedding and we just made it to the venue. It's a garden type wedding kind of thing. Its beautiful though. I'm wearing a simple jumpsuit with my tiny hair all waved up. Peach can't walk on heels and kept tripping which was hilarious and Jess looked so beautiful as a bridesmaid which was pretty rare to see given the fact that she has a tomboy style just like me most of the time.

Elizabeth and I have been texting since this morning and glad she came home safely last night just had a bit of a drink though at the after party but she was fine. She doesn't work today but she said she was going out to have dinner with Scarlett today to catch up on some things. So I might text her later to check up on her.

I filmed the whole ceremony which has heart fluttering makes me wonder when am I getting married and the million dollar question is who am I going to marry. But to be honest, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that at the moment because my career is just starting to bloom so maybe in the near future or if I found the one, which I may probably have but its just too complicated, then I will marry her in a blink of an eye.

After the wedding ceremony we went straight to the reception area near the garden. Its like a function hall so I let Alex strut her outfit while we wait for other guests and also drink champagne in the moment. We saw Jess and she already had a huge blazer covering her dress. She's really not used to it.

The rest of the night was pretty wild. Alex and I were drinking the whole time which is totally a bad idea but at least we're having fun. I'm pretty sure she's drunk already as she was already flirting with the bartender who, according to her, is the most important person of the night. I'm already almost drunk but I'm still know what I'm doing somehow and that's good still though I kept laughing and giggling to everything Alex does.

I was at the bar area when my phone rang in my purse so I opened it up and saw Elizabeth calling so I excused myself and walked outside feeling the cold breeze hit my skin making me shudder.

Lizzie's P.O.V.
"Hello?" I said looking at Scarlett who was getting the bill for our dinner.

'Hi Lizzie!' She giggles. My brows furrowed at the sound of that as a smile on my face grew. She's drunk. Never calls me Lizzie when she's sober.

"Oh no. Okay, How many?"

'Three or maybe four glasses of champagne. I'm still okay though. I'm not drunk. Peach is drunk, she's flirting with the bartender at the bar.' Oh god, that doesn't sound good.

"Do you have someone who's not intoxicated to take you home safely."

'Nope, Jess is drunk, Cat is drunk. Oh and Peach is drunk and I think I just told you that but whatever. I'm not that drunk though.'I glanced at Scarlett who has a smirk on her face as she looks at me and I looked at her in disbelief not quite impress that Shannon chooses to get drunk without someone who can take her home safely.

"Please stop the drinks now. You'll have the worst hangover tomorrow if you don't stop."

'Alright, I will stop. No more drinks for me says Lizzie.' I smile at her cute antics. She really is cute when she's drunk. 'Are you home now?'

"No, Scarlett is still with me, we just finished dinner. But we're on our way home, that's why I called to let you know."

'Oh you're still with Scarlett?'

"Yup, why?"

'Can I talk to her? I just want to tell her something.' I was taken aback by that and somehow surprised at Shannon's confidence when she's under the influence of the alcohol.

"She fucking wants to talk to you." I said to Scarlett as I pulled my phone away covering the mouthpiece. Scarlett lets out a chuckle before nodding her head. I'm quite nervous though on what she's going to say to her.

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