Chapter 24

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I open my eyes and all I see is white. I hear the sound of machines figuring where I am. Its been a while since I was here and I clearly remember it like it was just yesterday. I squeezed the hand I was holding as I blink a few times my vision adjusts from the light.

"Shannon? Mark get the doctor." I hear Elizabeth's voice and a door close. For some reason, I just want to go back to sleep or just disappear. She didn't need to see that. She didn't have to know.

"Honey, you hear me?" I tried to speak but my voice isn't working with me right now. I feel so weak and it sucks. My eyes travelled to those jade eyes and I let myself get lost in them. Yes, I have doubts about all of this. This thing we have but every time I look in her eyes, it crashes my walls and I let myself fall in them then I forget everything else. I don't really know if that's a good thing though.

Our gaze was cut off and replaced by doctors checking on me. I let them even though I already knew what was happening to me. I had this before even worse though.

"She'll be alright but she's still weak so I suggest she stays for the night. She can go home tomorrow morning." The doctor says before turning to me. "Hi Shannon, I'm Dr. Stanley. How're you feeling?" She smiled. I cleared my throat before opening my mouth to speak.

"I feel shitty.My head hurts and my body felt like it was beaten pretty hard." I swallowed and realize how dry my throat is. I glanced at Elizabeth who stood next to Mark and glanced at me. I licked my lips hoping she gets it. I badly need water right now. Mark then gave her a bottle of water gesturing to me and I let out a breath.

"Okay, we'll be giving you some pain relievers for that." Elizabeth walks over to my side as she opens the bottle of water before letting me drink the contents of it. I gave her a small smile as she wipes my mouth, she just gave me a look I couldn't quite tell before looking at the doctor and that did something to my chest.

"Have you been experiencing head aches or chest pains lately."

"Just a headache, but that's just because I'm having trouble sleeping at night and maybe because I work too much most of the time." She writes down on her clipboard. The silence in this room is just deafening and its not doing me any good to be honest.

"Are you seeing someone in terms of your mental health?" I glanced at Mark and he raised his brows. He knows I had been visiting my therapist before but I just stopped because I thought I was better. Well, guess not.

"I was. I stopped."

"Well, you need to consider seeing someone again. Having anxiety attacks aren't a one time thing and it could be worse depending on how bad it is so I highly suggest you keep contact with your therapist and schedule sessions. But for now, we'll provide you some sleeping pills to help you sleep later on. Do you have any questions?" I let out a sigh before shaking my head slightly giving her a small smile. She smiles back and nods excusing herself out of the room leaving the room filled with silence. I can feel tension and it was killing me. I've never heard silence quite this loud.

"Well, that was some shit show you did back there. You got us all worried you little shit." Mark eventually says breaking the silence in the room. I gave him a small smile as he walks over to us. I glanced at Elizabeth to see her looking at Mark with a small smile on her face.

"I'm buying bottles of your CBD for fucking emergencies and give it to everyone we know so if you forgot to take some, we don't have to worry about it anymore." Just the thought of that makes me laugh. I can't imagine him giving everyone on set some CBD oil just for me, they'd be all wondering what the fuck is that for. He smiles before glancing up to Elizabeth then at me with a look that tells me I'm in trouble.

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