- Daddy's silly -

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You and Tristan have kids, so....AGE EM UP!

Based on true events that happened between my nephew and his parents, like 2 hours ago.


Tristan sighs, flopping down next to you on the couch as you both watch your son and daughter run around.

"Hey, love." Tristan whispers, pecking your cheek, and you smile.

"Hey, can you make him a sandwich, please? I feel too lazy." You mutter, and Tristan laughs, nodding.

"Cory, you want a sandwich?" Tristan says, and Cory's head shoots up from the Christmas tree ornaments he was staring at before nodding.

Tristan smiles and walks over to the kitchen, grabbing out the bread and Nutella.

You smile at your two year old son, who watches his dad make the sandwich for him.

Tristan only spreads Nutella on one piece of bread before folding it for the small child, leaving the stuff out in case he wants another.

"Say thank you, Cory." You say, and your son looks at you before looking back at Tristan.

"Taatdoo." He says, and you laugh at his attempts, smiling brightly.

Jade, your daughter, was only one and a bit. She waddles up to Tristan with her arms up, and Tristan smiles before picking her up and flopping back on the couch next to you.

Tristan makes a noise at the baby, causing both children to laugh.

"Daddy silly." Cory says with Nutella on his face, causing you to laugh as well.

"Yeah, Daddy silly, ay." You say, agreeing with your son.

Tristan looks at you with teasing eyes. "Did you teach him that?" He asks, and you shrug with a smile.


Cory laughs before repeating what he said previously. "Daddy silly." You laugh at Tristan again, watching his face drop at the boy.

"Daddy, not silly." Tristan says, trying to reason with the two year old.

Cory begins walking around the room repeating the words, and you giggle at the boy.

"Cory." Tristan says, gaining the boys' attention. "Is mommy silly?" He asks, and Cory shakes his head, causing you to give Tristan a smug smile.

Tristan smiles at you before shaking his head. "Is sissy silly?" He asks, referring to your daughter who was still on his lap.

Cory nods again, saying yes to him.

Tristan frowns. "Is mommy silly?" He repeats, trying to see if Cory is just saying random answers.

"No." Cory says, and you laugh.

"Is Daddy silly?" You ask, and Cory nods.


You smile brightly, looking at Tristan and shrugging.

"Sissy's not silly though, ay Cory." Tristan says, and Cory frowns.

"Yes. Sissy silly." You laugh at the boy as Tristan looks at his daughter.

"It's okay, ay Jade. It's daddies pay day today, and brother and mommy aren't getting anything. Just you and me, ay my darling." He says, bringing the baby closer.

You frown at the man next to you before turning to your son.

"That's okay Cory, you and I will go see the animals tomorrow." You say, and Cory gasps, nodding. He's always loved animals. They're his favorite thing.

Tristan scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully before looking at his daughter. "And you and I will follow them because Daddy likes spending time with mommy." He says, and you smile at him.

"But Daddy is silly." You say, and Cory nods, agreeing with you.

Jade points at the tree with her wide eyes, letting out a small gasp of amazement, causing you to giggle at the girl.

"More, please." Cory says, coming up to you with his empty hands, and you smile, nodding.

"Damn, son. They not feeding you enough in daycare?" You jokingly ask, and Cory just nods, wanting another sandwich.

You nod and hold out your hand for him to take, which he gladly does. Before the two of you walk to the kitchen, Tristan is grabbing the remote and putting on a Christmas movie.

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