- Stay in or go out? -

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- M A S O N -

• Go out.

• Occasionally the two of you will stay in but Mason prefers to go out.

• He wants to spoil you and have fun.

• You guys would go to themeparks, movie theaters, ice skating, just a random day at the beach or park. What ever it is, it's outdoors.

- M I G U E L -

• Go out 100%

• He wants to show you the world, explore many different parts of nature.

• He also loves to show you off, make sure that everyone knows you're his girl.

• But nonetheless less, it's always out. Rain or shine, he'll find something fun for the two of you to do.

- B R A D Y -

• I feel like he'd do both.

• Correlate in between each date, one day in, the next out.

• Most out days would be really sun though, like hanging out at the beach and surfing or going to themeparks.

• The in days were also nice, you guys would play bored games, watch movies and do random stuff around the house.

- T R I S T A N -

• In, definitely in.

• He wants to watch movies as you both stuff your faces all while cuddled up together.

• He's basically your teddy bear and you love it.

• You guys often just have movie nights because it's fun.

• Sometimes you both put your "cooking skills" to the test and have a cook-off or a bake-off. You'd usually make something edible while Tristan damn near burns the house down.

• Overall, he loves the in days with you because you both have eachothers undivided attention.

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