- Cute -

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Tristan was laying on the bed next to you.

You were sleeping under the covers, snuggled into the mattress as Tristan lays ontop of the blanket, getting ready to set up a live with Brady.

It was 11:30 am, pretty normal time for you to still be asleep. You love sleep.

Clicking the button, Tristan smiles as thousands of people immediately begin pouring in to watch.

"I'm waiting for Brady to join ans then we can just mess around." Tristan says to his phone, making sure to not be too loud as you're asleep next to him.

Comments begin flooding in and Tristan reads them, answering questions along the way.

"Where am I? In bed." Tristan says, showing the headboard and pillows behind him.

Brady finally joins and Tristan adds him to the live, both boys smiling brightly.

"Hey!" Brady says happily and Tristan waves.

"Hi!" Tristan says.

People begin commenting on how much they love Brady and Tristan and both boys let out laughs, Tristan covering his mouth.

"So, how are you?" Brady asks and Tristan shrugs.

"Im doing great, you?"

Brady nods with a smile.

"I'm great too. Where's y/n?" He asks confused. Usually the two were together.

Tristan smiles brightly before tilting his camera towards your sleeping body.

"Sleeping." He mutters, staring at you in a dreamy daze.

Brady nod. "Of course." He laughs, you always slept on set any chance you could. He couldn't understand how you could sleep so much. You always had so much energy though, which was good.

"Yeah." Tristan mutters, moving his phone back to face him.

He looks at the comments and they all talk about how cute it was that he was next to her while she slept. Causing Tristan to laugh.

"Are we still on tonight?" Brady asks and Tristan nods.

"Yup, y/n's really excited."

Brady nods. "She looks excited." He laughs and Tristan shakes his head, smiling down at you.

"Its gonna be fun though. Is Mason still coming?" He asks and Brady nods at him.

"Yup, so is Jacob and Mikey." Brady says.

The six of you had all made plans to go ice skating, it was so exciting for you because you haven't been since you were little.

"I should wake y/n up now. She's not gonna be able to sleep tonight."

Brady raises his eyebrow slightly and Tristan laughs, shaking his head.

"Get your mind out of the gutter boy."

Brady shrugs lightly, not saying a word and Tristan turns slightly to wake you.

Grabbing a pillow from behind his back, the boy wastes no time before slamming it down onto you.

"Wakey wakey bitch." Tristan says and you groan, burying your face in the mattress.

Tristan hits you with the pillow a few more times before you snatch it out of his hand and bring it to your chest, cuddling into it.

"Aw." Tristan smiles facing the camera towards you. "Look at how cute she is." He whispers.

"Wake up y/n!" Brady screams and Tristan quickly moves the phone away from your face.

"Dude." Tristan laughs and you point the middle finger at the camera making Brady laugh.

"She's up! Yay!" Brady smile, clapping. before singing a song from high school musical. "Once in a lifetime—"

"Shut up." You mutter, pushing the pillow from your arms and shuffling towards Tristan, wrapping an arm around his waist and snuggling into his chest.

Tristan can't help but smile, kissing the top of your head and moving his phone to the opposite hand so he can wrap an arm around you.

"Aw you guys are cute," Brady smiles before letting it drop completely. "Now stop."

You and Tristan both laugh before shaking your heads. "You're just jealous." You say and Brady nods.

"Yeah. I want what they have." Brady says, fake crying and the comments begin blowing up with people saying that they volunteer.

You smile lightly before closing your eyes once again.

Tristan sees in the camera and shakes his head. "Nope, C'mon you gotta wake up now y/n." He says, rubbing your head.

You open your eyes back up to see Brady's face right at the camera, showing off his bright blue eyes.

"Look into my eyes. You will stay awake." He says in a Dracula voice and you poke your tongue out.

Brady frowns and pokes his tongue back, flipping you off with a straight face.

You were so glad to have Brady as a best friend. He's amazing.

Tristan roles his eyes lightly, a smile on his face before changing the subject. "Anyways, tonight. You still wanna go?" Tristan asks you.

Your eyes light up brightly and you nod eagerly. "Yes I still wanna go." You say and Brady nods.

People begin asking where you guys where going but you guys decide to keep it a secret, not wanting people to show up at the place while you're there.

Fans can be crazy.

"Well, since you guys are up, I'm gonna head over there and then we can plan some stuff." You and Tristan both nod at Brady's words, waving to him.

"Bye!" Tristan says and Brady waves back before Tristan ends the live.

Putting his phone down Tristan turns so he's on his side, wrapping both of his arms tightly around you, kissing your forehead.

"Good morning." He mutters and you laugh.

"Its like twelve isn't it." You say and Tristan laughs, nodding.


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