- Breakfast (Rowan) -

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This is an imagine about Bradys character Rowan from the movie Resisting Roots.

Brady in this movie—



"Ready for this?" Trent calls out.

You, Rowan and his little sister turn in your seats, looking at the professional baseball player holding a pan.

Trent sends everyone a smile, flipping the pancake in the air and catching it on the pan.

"Cool!" Rowan let's out with a small laugh.

"Do it again!" His sister yells with joy.

You laugh at the two excited people infront of you, Rowan sending you a happy smile when hearing your laugh.

You and Rowan have been dating for a few months, you've been best friends for longer and it's a tradition for you to go have breakfast at their house. Living across the road makes it so much easier too.

Trent flips the pancake again and Rowans little sister smiles. "Its so cool!"

"Thank you m'lady." Trent says, giving her a small bow.

Rowan turns to him and smiles. "Can you do that with eggs?"

Trent nods. "Of course." He says.

"Will you teach me?" Rowan asks, kind of nervous.

"Yes," Trent says, pulling the wash cloth from his shoulder. "And the ladies love a guy that can cook." He says, pointing to you.

Rowan turns to you with a smile, blushing lightly. "Oh yeah, definitely teach me then."

You laugh and shake your head.You notice Rowans older sister, Genevieve making her way to the kitchen, a light smile on her face.

You send her a wave.

Genevieve smiles, waving back. "Good morning y/n." She says.

You smile. "Goodmorning."

"And don't teach him your player moves." Genevieve says, pointing at Trent. "He's a good boy who's already got a lovely lady." She adds, sending you and Rowan a smile.

You and Rowan both blush, looking at eachother with bright smiles before Trent stars talking.

"Don't knock my moves gumdrop." He says, handing her a coffee. "Besides, a man should know how to feed himself." He adds, leaning down to kiss her neck.

"Uh, not here." She says, moving her neck away.

Rowans little sister looks at the two of you with her mouth open, a mock gag escaping her throat.

Rowan copies her, pointing to his tongue and making a gagging sound.

You let out a laugh when both the adults look at the three of you with slightly reddened faces.

"Oh shush y/n. Remember when I caught you and Rowan—"

"Woah- woah, woah. You said we were never going to bring that up." Rowan says, cutting of his older sister.

You cover your face in embarrassment thinking back to the time Genevieve walking in on you and Rowan making out on his bed.

Trent looks at the two of you with a smirk. "Way to go Ro!" He says, holding out his hand.

Rowan high-fives him with a small laugh and you smack his arm, shaking your head.

Genevieve does the same, smacking Trents arm with a scolding look.

Both boys laugh and you look at Genevieve, both you you staring at eachother with a bored expression.

"Boys." You both say.

Rowan turns to you, blowing you a kiss.

"Ah shush, you love it."

You shrug, smiling slightly before looking at Trent and Genevieve who were kissing.

Rowans little sister gags again and Trent sends them a look of disgust.

"Uh, we're starving." He says, ending their moment.

Trent look at the three of you before clicking his fingers. "Right, pancakes."

He turns and grabs the plate of stacked pancakes, placing them on the centre of the table.

Everyone takes a few and begins eating, small conversation popping up here and there.

"Oh shit! Y/n look at the time." He says pointing to the clock.

You look back confused before your eyes widen. You and Rowan were supposed to go see a movie as it was your "date day." As he likes to call it.

The movie started in about ten minutes.

"Crap!" You yell.

Both you and Rowan get up off your seats in a rush.

"Woah, where are you guys going? It's Saturday." Trent says.

"Y/n and Rowan have this date day thing every second week, they basically just spend the whole day together doing random things. They are going to a movie and it starts in..." Genevieve looks at the clock, her own eyes widening. "Eight minutes, you guys gotta go."

Rowan nods. "Yep." He says before grabbing his keys and your hand.

"Bye guys!" You yell as fast as you can before Rowan pulls you out the door and towards the car.

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