- Movie Premiere -

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"Mason! Mason! Look over here!"

Mason was looking in all directions hoping to please everyone as the bright flashing of cameras shot at his brown eyes every 2 seconds.

You'd think famous people would get sick of all the screaming and flashes, but not Mason.

He loved it, he loved acting. Because he knew that not only did it make him happy, it made other people happy too. Yeah he knew he'd have people that didn't like him as much but thats just what comes with being an actor.

It was The Black Phone premiere and to say he was nervous was an understatement. He was terrified. But he put up a good facade. But there was one specific thing— person, that made him nervous of all.


You played a pretty big character in the movie. Being one of Brady's best friends got you the role of Tamara, the clumsy best friend. This was one of your first movies ever and it was nerve racking for you. You had previously been in the second season of stranger things but your character god killed off at the end.

Typical duffer brothers.

This movie was a big deal for you because as soon as you finished filming you were asked to do more films for bigger platforms.

You were so glad that you were finally getting recognized as acting had been your dream since you can remember.

"Y/n! Look to the left! Give us a smile"

You smiled a bright smile and gave a little twirl showing off your dress, it was gorgeous. You were shocked you could even pull something this rich looking off.

"Gorgeous! Show us the back y/n!"

You laughed before turning around, tilting your head to look over your shoulder and smile.

After another 2 minutes of posing for the cameras you heard a familiar voice call your name.

You turned around and saw Brady doing a little jog towards you.

"Hey Brady!" You said hugging him.

"How are you? Wow you look amazing" he said breaking the hug.

"I'm great, thank you. And you do too" you said smiling.

You felt eyes on you but just brushed it off, assuming it was the paparazzi.

What you didn't know was that it was Mason.

"Dude, stop. You're obsessing over her and you look creepy." Madeleine said looking at Mason who was staring at you. 

Mason sighs.

"I know, but it doesn't hurt to look. Plus I'm going to ask her out soon." He said smiling

"Oh really? Well thats good because she's walking over here." Madeleine said smiling and looking over Mason's shoulder to see you walking in their direction.

"Hi!" You said smiling and waving.

Madeleine smiles back, sending you a happy wave before turning to Mason who is just staring at you with his mouth a little wide.

Madeleine rolls her eyes before speaking. "He thinks your pretty and wants to take you on a date" she said which snapped Mason out of his dreamy daze to smack her arm lightly.

"Shut up" Mason said blushing.

"Oh well I would love to go on a date with you Mason, and I think you're pretty too" you said before your eyes widen a little bit.

"Wait no, not pretty– i mean you are pretty, I just— you're cute. You are pretty too but uhm, oh god I'm rambling, I'll just stop." You say, cheeks turning a bright shade of pink.

Mason smiles brightly at your blushing.

"That was cute." Madeleine said before walking away to leave the two.

You smile, calming down a bit. "What i was trying to say is that, yes. I'll go on a date with you."

"Wait really? Because I would love to take you on a date...if you want to, I mean we dont have to" Mason said, scratching the back of his neck.

Madeleine, who had secretly snuck up to Brady so the two could watch you and Mason, just stood smirking, thinking about how amazing she was for finally getting you two together.

After going through the torture of watching you guys stare at eachother while filming and not doing anything about it, Madeleine was starting to get impatient.

"Yeah. I mean it, I would love to go on a date with you" you said looking up at him.

"Great- thats great. Uhm...why don't we have it right now. I mean- it is a movie after all" he said smirking and holding his hand out for you to take.

You laughed and took his hand and interlocking your fingers.

"Right now is perfect" you said.

"Well cmon then gorgeous, our movie awaits" he said in a crappy British accent that made you laugh.

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