- Soulmate -

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In a world where you and your soulmate have the same tattoo on your wrist.

They're around 23-26 in this.


Many times have you seen people meeting their soulmates, it happens in the most random of times. There's videos all over rather internet, millions of people posting on social media for the world to see that they've met the person they've been looking for their whole lives.

To say you were jealous was an understatement, twenty-three years old and you still haven't found your "other half" and quiet honestly, you've given up on looking.

Your parents always told you about the day they first met, they've told you so many time's you're almost positive that you can say the exact story word for word.

There are also many stories of people who never actually meet their soulmate. Everyone calls them the curious.

Then theres the ill fated. People who's soulmates existed before their generation. Those people often find pictures of people who match their tattoo. Pictures from before they were born. That's the saddest part about it.

You remember one time when your cousin was looking through the old photos of people who served in war and found a man with the exact same marking as hers.

She soon found out that he died in the war and went to visit his grave.

The curious, the ill fated and then theres the lucky bastard who found their soulmates.

Right now, you were one of The Curious.

Its nothing to be ashamed of. Its completely normal for people to not find their soulmates. Its just the fact you're the only person you know who hasn't met their other half.

"Earth to y/n?" Your best friend waves his hand infront of your face and you smack it away.

"What do you want Johnathan?"

He sighs while shaking his head, his dark brown curls bobbing along with him. He looks back at you, pointing to your wrist.

"Staring at it isn't going to make your soulmate magically appear."

"I know."

You grab an apron and wrap it around your waist before picking up your pen and note book.

"I'll wait the next group." You mutter and he nods.

Working at a restaurant had its perks, you get to see alot of people and every time you would check their wrists just incase they have a tattoo that matches yours.

But, it also sucks because 80% of the time people wear long sleeve shirts and you never get to see their wrists.

Johnathan pats you on your head when a group of guys walk through the door and head to a table.

"Look!" He whisper shouts and you turn around. "Holy shit." He mutters, staring at the group walking in.

You nod your head. "Holy shit indeed."

Sat at a corner table was Tristan Pravong, Mason Thames, Madeleine McGraw, Jacob Moran, Miguel Cazarez Mora and Brady Hepner.

All of whom are very popular actors and actresses. They all started to get famous after some of their first big role in The Black Phone that came out around ten years ago.

Now they're all successful and we'll paid actors.

Brady was always your favorite though.

Since you first seen him on screen as Vance Hopper you'd watched almost everything he was in. Sometimes even stalk through the internet to see a leaked photo of his soulmate tattoo.

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