- Surf date -

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Requested by: red_is_gay15


"You ready?" Brady parks his car, looking over at you with a smile.

You suck in a breath, looking at him with a smile. "Nope, but let's do it." You say and he laughs, shaking his head.

The two of you exit the vehicle, Brady unclipping the surfboards from the top while you patiently wait for him.

Brady had decided it was finally time to take you on a surf date. He'd been meaning to teach you how to surf so he thought, why not turn it into a date?

"Here you go." Brady says, handing you a board, keeping one for himself. He takes your free hand in his own, locking your fingers together before leading you to the windy beach.

The beach was pretty empty, only a few people playing with their friends in the wave. It was nice.

Brady let's go of your hand, stabbing his board into the sand and removing his shirt, you following his movements.

Looking over at you, Brady sends you a bright smile, his bright blue eyes glowing in the sun. "Here." He says, grabbing your board and laying it on the sand. He steps over towards you and grabs your hand, pulling you towards the board. "Step up on it." He instructs.

You do as your told, carefully stepping onto the board. "Okay." You say.

"Great now..." Brady gets his own surfboard, placing it next to yours before lying on his stomach. "Copy me."

You nod, getting into the same position as him.

"Cool, now you gotta centre your body on the board." He says, looking over at you as you adjust yourself.

You nod, looking st him for the next instruction.

"Now, your feet. Make sure they're on the board, it will slow you down in the water if you dangle them off the edge like that." He says pointing towards your feet.

You move your feet onto the board. "Sorry." You say slightly embarrassed.

Brady looks at you with a small smile. "No need to apologize love, you've never done this." He shrugs.

You smile back at him, lightly blushing at the nickname. God, you've been dating for almost a year and this guy still makes you blush. "Whats next boss?"

"Lets work on your paddle stroke," he says, getting up and looking around. "Perfect." He mutters when he spots an empty bench on the grass area.

You look at him confused. "What?"

"Come and bring your board. Just leave your other things here, we'll be back soon."

You nod, getting up from the sand, grabbing the board on your way. Brady begins making his way over to the bench, waving you to follow.

You jog up to him, matching his excited pace as you both make it to the bench.

Brady grabs the board from your hands, sending you a small smile while doing so, before placing it on the bench table.

"Hop on." He says, gesturing to the board.

Nodding, you so as he says, getting into the same position as before.

Brady walks around the table, scanning over your body to make sure everything was right before clapping his hands happily. "Perfect! Now," Brady grabs onto your hand lightly.

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