The Doctor

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We follow Vanitas down further into the maze of the underground till we come to a giant metal door Vanitas cuts off Noe before he can speak "this is it."

The door is pushed open its slow and the ground nearly shakes as its birth lets the light show through. What was waiting for us on the other side was nothing short of a surprise... quite literally streamers are popped off and we are greeted by a man.

We are all shocked and at a loss for words "I am so pleased to welcome you home your back my number 69! Tell me honestly you remember me don't you, it's your old friend Dr. Moreau!"

All I want to do is punch this sick maniac in the face I start to roll up my sleeves and take a step towards him but then the most unexpected thing happens. Vanitas starts to walk up to him with his hands out reached a sweet tone enveloping the air "Dr. Moreau Bonjour it's an honor to see you again I knew if you were still in Paris this is where I would find you!"

"oui, oui I'm impressed you remembered how to find the place number 69, oh and who are these people with you why they are up to the teeth, friends of yours."

"Actually, doctor these are friends of yours as we journeyed through the catacombs, I explained the glory of your magnificent experiments. Naturally they were quite moved by your genius and vowed to assist with your endeavors in any way they could. As you may have noticed they all happen to be Chaussures which means that they will be extremely useful not only as your assistants but bodyguards as well."

"Oh, that's incredible I applauded your ambition my dear boy and I must say that I am relieved. If you had been a band of evil doers, come to capture me, I would have had to kill you on the spot." He claps his hands together and starts to walk away "come, come my servants, we must prepare to entertain our guest."

We don't move I can feel that Vanitas has a plan, but it looks like hes doing everything he can just to stay calm and reserved. Noe speaks up first in a hushed whisper "Vanitas what was that?"

"Believe me flattery is the quickest way to get what you want out of Dr. Moreau he will probably answer questions we haven't even asked yet. Where are the abducted vampires? Is he the only one behind the kidnappings? We will know all that and more before this is over then we can simply hand him over the chaussures and let them do as they see fit with him. Or perhaps I might reserve the pleasure of killing him for myself."

I can see the hate and disgust evident on his face the way he speaks with such cruel intentions I place a hand on his shoulder. I side eye him while also keeping my eyes on Dr. Moreau "are you sure about his Vanitas."

All I get in response is a short blunt answer "very."

We all take a seat at the table while his assistants bring tea Noe thanks the man for his tea but when they hand me mine, I push it away with disgust. No matter how much information this fool of a doctor is willing to spill just for a little self-indulgent Flattery it didn't sit well with me. From what Vanitas told us about his past this man was the kind of person I would happily kill without a second of remorse. Before Vanitas my job was to kill those undeserving of this beautiful world we live in and being in the presence of this man made my stomach turn. All I can think about is the torment he went through down in these calmy walls. How can he so easily want to please him even if it is to get the information we need, I'd rather die.

I sit next to Noe at the end of the table any closer and the smell of the doctor's breath would cause me to rip his throat out instantly.

The doctor stands at the end of the table "finally I should introduce myself formally I am sure number 69 already told you about me but this is my lab where I research vampires!"

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