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Sleeping in the study of my home I felt the sun peeking through the open curtain on to my face slowly warming my skin. I squint my eyes shut tighter hoping to block out the sun trying to wake me from my slumber, my body stiff from sleeping at my desk.

A knock at the door

"Madam a request has come in it seems to be urgent" an older man says at the doorway with a serving plate of warm tea and breakfast waiting.

Groaning I turn my head to the side "hmm what is it you're going on about so early in the morning Jeeves" (yes, the butler's name is Jeeves).

Jeeves walks in each step a click of his polished shoes making a sharp click clack click clack. He places the tray on the leaning tower of papers placing a teacup and saucer on the table filling the cup up with poise.

"Tea madam and a poached egg" he stands patiently waiting for me to raise my head from the desk to place the plate.

"You know I hate eggs are you trying to poison me" I say as I slowly lift myself up readjusting in my office chair.

"If I poisoned you, I wouldn't receive my check for the week tomorrow, I would never be so hasty. I would instead plan to kill you slowly as to not grow suspicion." He says as he places the plate in front of me.

I chuckle knowing it's all in good fun and that he would never hurt me but it's cute to think he thought it out so meticulously.

Wait! Why has the thought it out so well maybe he secretly does wish my demise!"

"Oh, Jeeves don't make promises you can't keep" I take my fork and take a bite of the egg my face goes pale, but I swallow anyways. "Truly disgusting"

"Do not make so much fuss you'll disturb Jinx, the egg is a vital part of a person's health it has many nutritional benefits." before he can go on any longer about the damn egg, I cut him off.

"Okay, okay I'll eat the damn egg just know I will curse you with each bite" I say as I take another bite of the gelatinous orange slime. I look over to jinx and role my eyes as he chases something in his sleep.

Jeeves has a small smile and walks over to Jinx who is sleeping peacefully on his bed. Jinx is a black Doberman who looks way scarier than he lets off. He walks out of the room and closes the door.

I continue to eat but see a telegram on the silver tray I grab it and begin to read.

"Hmm interesting... not to mention the money they are willing to pay they knew I wouldn't refuse this." I smirk while taking the last bite of egg which wipes the smirk right off my face and replaces it with a scowl. "Gross"

Later that afternoon on the train to Paris

"I haven't been to Paris since... well it's been a long time" I say as I speak with the lovely women across from me. "My well I do hope you enjoy your stay in our beautiful city" she says as the train comes to a stop, and everyone start to collect their things.

I walk off the train and head for the hotel I will be staying at while I deal with business. I can't help but be amazed at how beautiful it is a hotel of all things I just stand there staring at it for a moment.

"Vanitas, I believe in you, but could you stop acting so brash!"

I look over at the commotion and see two men squabbling, a tall white-haired man with beautiful, tanned skin and a shorter man with long black hair and piercing blue eyes I can see from here.

"Your so naive Noé, you're the one causing trouble getting lost wondering around the city like a bemused child!" 

I shake my head and chuckle as I walk to check into my room. I open the door to my room and fall onto my back the bed is so soft.

"I need a vacation maybe after this job I'll take off and get lost myself." I sit back up and start to change so I can finish this quickly.

Later that night

I take off my gown and put a men's tailored suit on I do this so I can move around freely instead of getting caught in a dress. The suit is tailored to fit me so though it's masculine to wear pants it still has its feminine qualities to it. It's black pants with a white dress shirt with the top buttons undone showing just a bit of cleavage last but not least I wear black suspenders and gloves.

For weapons I strap two knifes on my ankles under my pants, and two swords strapped to my hips. I braid my long pink hair to the side with the front of my white hair falling out to frame my face. (All the hair is pink but the front bangs and sides they are white—think E girl)

"Okay so his name is Thomas Breneux the vampire that's causing so much trouble in Paris's as of late. I still don't know who sent me the job offer just told me to meet him after I have completed the job, but if he's willing to pay then who am I to say no to money!"

I open the door to my room and head downstairs.

It doesn't take long to hear the screams and find Thomas Breneux the cursed vampire. I run over where he's chasing a woman "hey your ugly son of a bitch over here!" I say and I run up to them. The beast stops and looks at me the women is pinned to the grown with one of his hands at her throat.

"Please stay back he'll kill you too!" The woman on the ground says as she struggles for breath. I pull out one of my swords "beast let her go!" He just snarled at me and stares not moving an inch.

I run up to him swinging my sword at him he jumps back with the girl still I'm his clutches. "Come any closer and I'll kill her" he says I point my sword at him "we can do this the easy way or the hard way, you either let her go or I cut your arm off either option you're dying in the end."

"Not if I kill you first!" He says as he lunges towards me with the girl in his arms. I jump back then lunge forward swinging down with all my might onto his arm. "Ahh, you bitch!" His arm falls to the ground while he jumps back the women falls and I catch her.

"I need you to run as fast as you can- I'll take care of this beast" she looks at me with tears in her eyes fear and relief she nods her head and starts to run but the beast is hot on her tail.

"Don't you fucking dare!" I yell as I go to attack him but then, someone gets thrown.

The man yells at someone back on the roof behind us, what the hell is happening?

Then another man jumps on top of Thomas Breneux, what in the flying fuck is happening?

"What the hell! Get the hell out of here this man is dangerous!" I yell at the three of them but then the black-haired man gets up from the ground and starts doing some hocus pocus shit and the man is passed out and looks normal.

"I temporarily incapacitated him it won't last for long" the magician says. I step up to the two men and aim my sword at them "who in the hell are you two? Do you understand that this man is a beast. You need to leave at once so I can dispose of this monster"

"I'm sorry mademoiselle but we will be taking it from here, we will be taking him into custody" the white hair man said I finally recognize them from earlier from the hotel.

"Absolutely not! I was contracted to take care of this man and I have never not finished a job his head is mine." I say as I point my sword at him with a glare in my eyes.

"Now, now mademoiselle this man does not need to die I am a doctor I can cure him." The raven-haired man says with a devious smile.

"I will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in my way you have no idea how dangerous this man is now stop playing hero and get out of my damn way!" I yell at the two men the white-haired man flinched, but the raven just looked at me.

I take a step closer to them solidifying I am a woman of my word I place the tip of my sword to the ravens neck a small prick of blood surfacing.

My heterochromia eyes staring into his blue ones he just smirks and says, "my my my how enchanting you are truly one who means business, but you see we are also on business." I push a little harder "if you were truly the unsympathetic killer you claim to be you would have already killed us by now and never bothered saving that woman, play a different game this one does not suit you."

I grind my teeth my eyes ready to kill "you know nothing of who I am." But before I can continue a boy and women show up also trying to kill the cursed vampire.

Fuck me...

Beyond~ VanitasXReaderXNoéजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें