A Charlatan

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He leads up not sure where we are going but then we hear shouting, and it annoys me to the core that I know its Vanitas shouting. Noe runs up to the edge of the balcony "what the hell is he doing" he seethes in anger. I just roll my eyes and say "what's he going on about this time" as I look over with Noe. Just when my eyes meet Vanitas figure on the chandelier my eyes connect with the blue mark on his forearm. Everyone's eyes grow wide form realization I mumble under my breath "he wasn't joking". '

Vanitas screams with determination "because that will be my revenge my ultimate retribution upon Vanitas!" Hes always cracking jokes and playing around taking nothing to heart but has just been bottling it up waiting for the moment to explode. To take his revenge his words are a double edge sword one to heal and save vampire kind but to also destroy. His conviction takes my breath away so passionate so fervent so violent. 

Though Vanitas being Vanitas does a 360 and usual dumb self he then makes one final announcement he points to me "I also have a new assistant Syliva some of you might know her by the name The Collector I have brought her along to take care of anyone who might try to get in my way." Hes all goofy smiles I can't help but take a step back and doing so fall straight on by butt "that idiot! I am no one's assistant" Master Luca is astonished "what is that fool doing and why here of all places'' Noe just bears the burden of having to deal with such an idiot on a regular basis "couldn't tell you." 

Noe looks behind him as I start to get up "oh Sy when did you fall, I'm so sorry I didn't notice" he reaches down, and I grab his hand. "No, don't worry that idiot just blew me away with stupidity is all" I say as I'm pulled up. Master Luca comes over "Noe why are you calling mademoiselle Sylvia 'Sy' and why are you trying to disguise yourself as a man?" he questions me. I am struck for words I thought my digues was genius I take off my top hat and mask "ugh well I guess it doesn't matter anymore anyways since that bozo just outed me. Master Luca I was trying to hide myself from this world since I am well you know." Master Luca just laughs "well it was a poor disguise I knew immediately who you were, but I believe it's because I already knew you. To anyone else I'm sure you were just an average Joe with some very famine qualities." I can't help but blush I can only do so much with what God blessed me with I turn around and clear my throat my hair now waving through the air. 

Someone comes in down below I may not be able to see her face, but she takes my breath away with her presence alone. She tries to cut down Vanitas but from the looks of its Jeanne jumps and saves him. Noe questions him about Jeanne helping him and he explains that he told her to help find us because he wanted to see us again. Master Luca looks so sad to have acted to brash the last time but Noe comforts him "just call me Noe hmm Luca, let's go find Vanitas together." Luca look up to me and I give him a smile and nod "it would be my pleasure if you called me Syliva as well, now let's go get our idiot before he dies." 

"That man is he alright" I say as we watch a man from down below on the staircase yell Luca looks us "what is that music" Noe holds a hand over his ear "it's more like noise." I look at the two of them "I'm not sure what is going on but let's go" as we make our way around and down a long corridor Lucas servants call for him but as we turn around, they are cut down. They then get back up and start to attack Noe yells "be careful Luca" I grab Luca and jump out of the way "I got him Noe you just take care of those men" as I stand and protect Luca. 

I watch as Noe fights off the servants he moves with grace and poise never exerting more effort than it should. Luca tries to peek from behind me, but I use my arm to push him back "Luca please." Noe starts to take off his coat "I'll ask you once more who are you" he questions the beast answers in a demonic voice "Charlatan" then a black apparition comes from its back laughing "that's right your Charlatan."

Hearing this Noe becomes enraged "it was all you" he yells with anger as he runs towards them, I reach out my hand to try and stop him "Noe, no don't." It's too late though he kicks and punches, but the black fog just immobilizes him I can't make out what its saying, but Noe looks petrified unable to move the fog consuming him. I fear I am no match for whatever that demon is and looking behind me Luca looks absolutely petrified as well. I reach down and grab a throwing knife from my ankle and launch it at the fog, but it just opens a hole, and it passes through. Without looking at me Charlatan says "be patient little bunny" I grit my teeth unsure of what to do. I feel as if I am no match for whatever that thing is made of my attacks would be futile. 

I am at a crossroads do I try and help Noe, or do I stay and protect the kid but then I hear footsteps behind me, and I turn around ready for a fight. I am hit with relief when I see Vanitas "Vanitas its Noe" I point and look at Noe on the ground. Before I know it, he has made his way over and cut through Charlatan "what's the matter Noe did you twist your ankle out on the dance floor" Noe just looks at him "it's you, your here."

Charlatan looks taken back that Vanitas was able to touch them "what are you" it pulls back cautious. I run up to Noe who's still kneeling on the ground placing a hand on his shoulder "Noe are you alright" he touches my hand on his shoulder with his "yes, thank you." He then looks up to Vanitas "there's blood on your neck what's wrong" Vanitas gives him a smirk "I don't kiss and tell" I look to him "what the hell is that supposed to mean are you okay or not!" From the corner of my eye, I see the demon running after Luca but before I can stop him Jeanne burst through the wall saving him. 

Luca confronts the Charlatan mass of what it wants, but before they can answer one of its henchmen tells them that they must leave. A swarm of cursed vampires rush in attacking everyone I jump back trying to keep a distance from them. I try too not hurt them just knock them out incase Vanitas can use his magic on them but there's to many of them. I see Noe trying to hold one off while yelling to the fog then a gust of wind knocks me against the wall. Jeanne has in swoop of her gauntlet knocked them all out and has taken after the Charlatan's. 

Domonique runs in explaining that the grand hall has cursed vampires who have gone mad from the sound of the music. Vanitas explains that it's the orchestra of dissidence and how it can change a room into chaos. Domonique looks to Vanitas "and you will be the one to save them, human" Vanitas with confidence says, "I certainly do plan to do my best." Domonique looks happy with this answer and rips her dress to prepare for battle. I roll my eyes as Vanitas whistles; I pull my pink hair into a ponytail my white bangs falling out "well let's go doctor your patience are waiting." 

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