The Underground

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I went on a small hiatus binging on anime soooo sorry!!! 

Thank you all for the votes and reads I really never thought I would even have one engaged reader and now I have all of you!  <3

I get the shivers as I look around at all the bones that are strategically placed and balanced on one another in the tunnels of Paris. I speak to no one in particular "this place gives me the creeps" Vanitas grabs my shoulders from behind whispering into my ear "I didn't know such a place could scare The Collector do you want daddy to hold you?" I reach up and grab his hand and twist it putting him into a wrist lock he squills in pain "ow, ow, ow, Sylvy darling that hurts."

"Oh, yea should have thought about that before you put your hands on me and called yourself 'daddy' and for your information, I am not scared just...creeped out that someone played with skeletons." I give a shiver and Noe places his hand on my shoulders like Vanitas did "are you cold I could give you my jacket Sylvia?" I look over to him with a smile "no its okay thank you though" Vanitas is beside himself "what really Sylvy why when I touch your shoulders you attempt to take my hand off and he gets a smile this is outrageous!" 

I smirk and lace my arm through Noe's "because he was being a gentleman and asked if I was cold, he also didn't call himself 'daddy' you perv." I stick my tongue out at him as Noe and I walk to a gate Dante is trying to break down with no luck. 

We end up back on the streets of Paris not finding a way underground we all stand around trying to figure something out. Dante lets out a defeated sigh "where are those cloaked bastards" I cut my eyes to him "we just need some more time." 

Vanitas speaks up "it was beyond stupid to think the chassure would be in that tourist trap" that lights a fire under Dante "hey the best hiding spots are the ones that are right under your nose everyone knows that stupid!" 

They start to bicker like toddlers to each other trying to see who loses the most brains cells first. I shake my head and let out an aggravated sigh and close my eyes while I listen to them bicker. I hear Noe and Johann having a conversation though I can't catch to much since the two idiots next to me are having a dumb and dumber war.  

I push off the wall and yell at the them" If you two idiots don't knock it the hell off, I'm going..." but before I could finish Vanitas runs over and hugs me from behind pointing his finger at Dante "he started it!" 

Dante looks at him confused and baffled "what the hell no I did not you damn lunatic" Vanitas nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck "Sylvy he is so mean to me please tell me you believe me."  

I roll my eyes and sigh " I don't care who started it as far as I am aware your both idiots now can we please just go I'm exhausted." I shrug Vanitas off my shoulder as he pouts and walks over to Dante, and they pout together about how they aren't idiots.

I rub my temples with my fingers as I start to walk back to the hotel, I see Noe he looks lost in thought. I walk up to him and poke his arm "you okay Noe?" He looks over to me and gives a small smile "Yea never better, why?" 

I can't help but feel like something is bothering him Vanitas as well but it's really not my place to pry maybe they had a fight or something. I just shrug my shoulders "um no reason but just so you know if there's anything ever on your mind you can come to me." 

Noe looks a bit taken back or shocked I'm not sure, but it can't be good he just gives his signature smile "of course Sylvia thank you." He started to walk in front of me I got a little sad or annoyed maybe a bit of both since he just lied to my face. I just brush it off maybe it's just me we have been working nonstop maybe the exhaustion is catching up to all of us. 

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