Masquerade Ball

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As I look around the grand foyer all I can see are smiling couples and people enjoying themselves as they dance to the orchestra. I pulled my hair up into a bun fastening it under a top hat giving the illusion that I am a young man with my mask over my eyes covering any feminine qualities. I stand awkwardly to the side shifting from foot to foot the tension I had from earlier has now dissipated due to my treatment. I am now just a ball of nerves being around all of these vampires in a new world it's not that I am scared of them there is evil on both sides. I believe it's more of the anticipation that is to come getting the opportunity to speak to Lord Ruthven. 

I see Noe and Domonique dancing across the room I still cannot figure out why she is always giving me dirty looks. I have deducted she didn't listen to her grandparents when they told her making that face would get stuck that way. I hear laughter and look to my side and see Vanitas handing a rose to a young girl with her mother there I roll my eyes show off. Vanitas and I haven't spoken since earlier there really hasn't been a need too were both sticking to our truths, he's stubborn. 

I see Noe and Domonique taking Vanitas away as he yells obscenity's I see Noe look behind them to me and say "Sylvia come on let's go" I nod my head and catch up to them in a few seconds. I poke Noe in the forehead when he looks over to me with a smile that quickly fades. "I told you while we're here to call me Sy" I say as they continue to drag Vanitas, he rubs his forehead then smiles "oh your right I'm sorry Sylv I mean Sy." Vanitas looks over to us and says, "Ya because someone has racked up quite the reputation for themselves riiiigggghhhht "The Collector". I shoot him a cold scowl and then continue forward "hey no fair, why doesn't he get a poke in the head when he says your name and I do Sy your so cruel" Noe says with a pout. 

I can't help but chuckle and roll my eyes, so I turn around and stop Infront of Vanitas making Noe and Domonique carrying him stop as well and I flick his head probably the hardest I've ever flicked someone's head. The two drop him to the ground so that he can grab his head in pain while he pouts "good call Noe". I say as I give him a big smile and we high five and continue to walk away while Vanitas is left on the floor. Domonique is quick to pull Noe by the arm again pulling Noe and I away from our conversation. 

 Vanitas catches up to Noe and us and of course they start to bicker there like an old married couple "would you please stop fooling around" Noe tells Vanitas.

"Me fooling around what about your little valiance while Sy and I were sitting right outside the door" Vanitas looks over at me gives me a quick look like he is still trying to figure something out. I just look to Noe while he defends himself Noes eyes darting to mine with a look of panic in them. 

"My little wh... what are you, I told you Domi is my dear friend don't say things that could be taken the wrong way it could invite trouble for her" Noe continues "Sy please tell him that he is being irrational, and that people can be close while also being friends." I just put a finger to my chin and look up while thinking "hmm I guess so, but I have never had the opportunity to have someone to call a friend let alone a childhood long one. Though I also see where it is not Vanitas's place to cast judgment" I say as I shrug my shoulders.

Vanitas just smirks at my remark "you vampires have an interesting way of expressing friendship" Domonique decides to join in on the conversation she looked back to us and made eye contact with me while saying "you mean our little exchange in the carriage before, yes Noe had a thirst and he wanted MY blood simple because it wasn't the first time, he has tasted it." I get a chill like she's looking through my soul I shake off my shiver and we continue to walk while she explains how Noes abilities work and that they have an agreement. I think about what if Noe drank some of my blood what horrors he would bear witness too. Only a cruel person would subject such a sweet kindhearted person to suck torturers of my past. 

   At some point during her rambling, I caught Noe from the corner of my eye walking away, so I thought I would follow him. He stops to look at some machines "I thought vampires didn't like these machines, but they are so cute don't you think" he looks up finally and realizes it's just the two of us. "Wait did we lose them, or did they lose us" he questions with a panicked face I giggle "I believe we lost them". 

At that moment a boy stumbled his mask falling off reviling Luca, but the men call him Master Lucias Noe and I look to each other our eyes wide with shock. I start to speak but he cuts me off "I know these people and I need to speak to them alone" he exclaims as he grabs the both of us and hauls us away. Noe and I just give each other puzzled looks as he yanks our hands away from us. 

A\N - Shorter chapter I'm sorry 

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