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"Your right Noe I believe that the three of us can beat them together" I give him a reassuring squeeze to the shoulder. I watch him stand up and reach out to Vanitas as I to help us up off the cold ground. Vanitas looks apprehensive for a moment but then speaks up "The truth is I came here looking for someone his name is Moreau. He used to be a Chasseur till his obsessive vampire research took a turn for madness and got him expelled, look at this."

He reaches out and drops a button into Noe's hand it's that of the Chasseur the one lost during the kidnapping of a vampire Dante gave us. Noe and I look at it "isn't this the button Dante took off one of the kidnappers." 

"Look at the other side" Vanitas says as Noe turns the button over there on the back is a carved-out number 128. Noe looks at it and says, "there's a number 128" I look at it perplexed and speak up looking at Vanitas with questionable eyes "what does it mean."

"It's a production number all these kidnappings they weren't committed by Chasseurs not normal ones anyway they are enhanced humans. They are products of unorthodox experimentation the work of Moreau." Vanitas picks up his silver beaded necklace and moves the beads between his fingers then yanks it from his neck causing it to break. The beads scatter across the floor a look of dissociation in Vanitas's eyes he speaks "well let's go." 

Noe and I look shocked but also worried for Vanitas I think to myself that there is so much more to this then hes telling us. The man that I know is an impulsive fool who acts on whims of desire and throws caution to the wind. Though the man standing in front of me now looks broken and damned he has a look of hatred in his eyes. It makes me want to reach out to him and to damn any man who may cross his path. 

I nod my head to Vanitas, and he takes the lead through the labyrinth of tunnels of the underground. He knows exactly where to go and when we see enemies up ahead, he turns us around to get the upper hand. How long was he down here to know these tunnels so well how many years in the dark did he have to endure. 

Vanitas uses his book to change the world formula around us and uses it against the machines that assist the enemies. We come to a stop where we can take a breather Noe questions him "you mean the book of Vanitas can even manipulate machines?"

"Not exactly but it did allow me to tamper with the astermite that powers the machines and I'm sure your smart enough to put together why that's possible right Noe."

"Don't tell me did you re-wright the formula."

"Precisely, the astermite has a conduit to the world formula just as vampires do so, I put it to use. Pity I thought we might obtain our goal without entangling with the Chasseurs things never goes as planned."

I think to myself that there is so much more to Vanitas then he has told us he hasn't said it yet, but I know he spent time down here. I know he is keeping things from us I just hope one day he feels comfortable enough to open up, but I know from experience some things are better left unsaid.

I continue to walk beside Vanitas while Noe hangs behind us but then Vanitas turns to speak to Noe "Stop making that face." 

I stop confused I look to Noe, "what are you talking about this is how I always look." Vanitas doesn't look convinced "that must be rough."

Vanitas doesn't continue he just stands for a moment then begins to speak "both of my parents were killed by a vampire and then because of the Chasseurs and their infinite righteousness they brought me along to keep me from suffering the same fate. I was trained by the church as one of their recruits but before I was ready to join the ranks Moreau took a liking to me and made me his genuine pig instead end of story. "

Beyond~ VanitasXReaderXNoéحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن