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As I sit next to Jeanne and across the table to Vanitas at a long white table the group of us talk while eating Tarte Tain. Vanitas pokes at it while Noe is in love, me on the other hand take a bite then shrug my shoulders "it's alright". 

While Noe sits and ogles over the tarte Tain, I can't help but ogle at the women sitting next to me. The first time I saw her she almost killed me, but I'll let bygones be bygones how could one not she's THE Hellfire Witch. She beauty, she's grace, she's strong the ultimate badass all wrapped into one. I haven't had the chance to really speak to her every time we cross there's always something happening. 

Vanitas clears his throat "Ehm I'm sure milady would like to eat her food in peace you ogling foul and as for you Noe just eat it and stop admiring it."

I wave my hand at him while still looking over to Jeanne my elbow on the table and my chin in my hand as I stare at her beauty. She looks over a little frazzled "um Sylvia is there something on my face" she says as she touches her cheek.

I grab her hand and bring it down to my lips my breath fanning her palm "of course not it's just I have waited my whole life to finally meet you and here you are." I place a soft kiss on her palm she instantly freezes, and a blush consumes her face. The room awkwardly stares at us not sure what is happening.

"uh um Sy..Sylv I-I" but before she can continue, I say "shhh please let me finish WILL YOU PLEASE TAKE ME ON AS YOUR APPRENTACE OR JUST ABSOLUTLY ANYTHING I MUST CONTINUE TO BE BY YOUR SIDE YOUR KNOWLANGE, WISDOM AND SKILLS OUTSHINE THE WORLD!! PLEASE I WILL GET ON MY KNEES AND BEG I HAVE SO MUCH TO STILL LEARN AND MY IDOL IS SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME PLEASE JEANNE TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!!!" By this point I am standing up looking like a madwoman my arms outstretched to the ceiling a look most would call demonic. 

I get pulled by my hear by Vanitas "ow, ow, ow, no, no wait Vanitas please I think I almost convinced her." He pulls me to sit in between Noe and him Noe just looks at me and shakes his head "Sylvia, I have never seen you so um passionate before." He gives me a weary look while rubbing the back of his neck.

Vanitas grabs my chin and makes me look at him "now sit and stop harassing my darling there's nothing I wouldn't like more than two beautiful strong women by my side but learn to control your impulse's." My eyes grow shocked the nerve of this man he does more impulsive shit than I can count. I snatch my chin out of his hand and lean over to Noe and grab onto his arm gaining a look from Domonique "ew Vanitas what makes you think you stand a chance with either of us like you said we are strong and beautiful exactly why we are out of your reach." I stick my tongue out at him and he scoffs.

I look to Noe still wrapped around his arm "Noe tell Vanitas hes not handsome or charming enough to have a harem and that Jeanne will be mine not his." He looks at me and looks at Vanitas who obviously heard the whole thing then at Jeanne who is so frazzled she just sits there in shock. But before the arguing could continue Domonque clears her throat and tries to redirect the conversation. 

Noe takes this as a chance to ask about the ball and what occurred Luca and Jeanne give, they're thanks to Noe for everything that he did, and Jeanne looks to me "you too Sylvia thank you." I blush I was just thanked by her my body has tingles my idol who's sitting right in front of me thanked me. 

Noe corrected them though and told them it was Vanitas that took care of the aftermath we just assisted the best we could. Vanitas has a devilish smirk on knowing how much it pains Luca that he did a good job. Luca though is insisting that he apologize for kissing Jeanne "you're a real thorn in my side kid who am I supposed to be apologizing to anyway to Jeanne or to you." Luca is taken back "to Jeanne of course" Vanitas nods his head " I see."

I also nod my head "I second that Vanitas you pig apologize to my sweet Jeanne."

Vanitas speaks up "Jeanne and I have fallen madly in love and Slvy don't be jealous you just need to ask, and we can share our first kiss." 

"Keep your fantasies to yourself" Jeanne says with a stern dead expression.

I on the other hand smack him on the top of the head "full of it as usual."

As Vanitas pulls down his collar he speaks "it's more real than you think Jeanne and I already have quite the intimate relationship." 

Everyone is shocked I stand up with my hands on the table "what no fair Jeanne how could you I thought we had something special please mark me instead." 


"Please tell me this has been some kind of mistake" Luca questions.

Luca rambles about what kind of men she must be into while Jeanne is not sure how to respond.

"Alight alright I took my little jest too far" Vanitas begins laughing "Luca this mark is Jeannes, but she did not leave it on purpose."

Luca is angry "are you implying you forced her somehow."

Vanitas explains that she didn't know what she was doing because of the voice inside of everyone's head and all the commotion going on. Luca seems to love this answer because 'who would want to be with such a disgusting human Afterall' his words not mine. Jeanne is confused and unsure of what she's feeling.

"Sorry Master Luca I need to borrow him for a bit I will be right back" She yells as she jumps out the window.

I am unsure of what is happening I could see Vanitas doing that randomly but for Jeanne to do it I scratch my head in confusion. "Noe I..." as I look over to him, he stands up "I should go after them" he runs and jumps out the window too. 

"Noe, don't they realize there's a door" Luca cry's out.

"I will never understand you vampires" I stand up and walk to the door and walk out to go after Noe and Vanitas.

Luca cries on the table reaching out his hand to me "thank you Sylvia."

A/N- I am unsure if my OC personality is coming through correctly, she doesn't have romantic feelings towards Jeanne, but It comes off that way because she admires her so much. It reminds of when two girl best friends get together and there are no boundaries it looks suspicious but it's all harmless. 

A/N- I would also like to note that when Syliva isn't working, she is quite playful and childish in ways but when it comes to work or a serious matter, she turns on work mode. She doesn't want people prying into her past or life because of what she has experienced and does for a living. She can be cold and stand offish when people get too close to the truth like Vanitas did in the past chapter Bloodlust. She Pushes people away thinking that it's better for them if she never makes any real connections for when her work inevitable takes her from them.  

Also Sorry for the late chapter I had a death at work, and everything got pushed back. 

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