Chapter 7: Dinner

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PYT 😏 - SassyJohn

Suka Blyat! - Shrex



As Kai'sa and I waited for our husband to emerge, we talked about how sweet he is and checked social media to see how everyone was raving about his "Billie Jean" song. I then put my phone away and we talked about the restaurant. We heard some joyful laughter outside, so we both peered over to our right and saw... A pink-haired person and someone with sparkly blonde hair—hold on, a second—

???: That dance was SICK!

???: I know right?! He always have something under his sleeves!

???: Why didn't we ask Ahri and Kai'Sa to join him?

???: Well it would be awkward if they find us out. But surpsignly who would have thought they came? Kai'Sa is understandable but Ahri? Something suspicious going on here

???: What is suspicious for Ahri to watch Y/N?

???: Good point...

Those voices are... Akali and Seraphine?! Me and Ahri looked at one another with confused looks stitched across our face. When we approached them, they were already on their way back

Door Opens

Oh, Y/N here anyway, we can talk to them back home. Right now I- I mean we- musy focus on Y/N

10 mins later..


Thank you Braum! You are a savior for borrowing me this car! Currently I am driving with Kai'Sa and Ahri to an expensive restaurant that they recommended. I swallowed hard as I can see my money flying away but Kai'Sa and Ahri insisted that it was their treat. Such a gentlemen I am... Anyway as soon as we reached the grant restaurant. I looked up with awe. Its called "Pantheons Grand Suite"

Y/N: I heard about this place.. hehe quite an expensive right?-

Kai'Sa: No. don't worry about it grabs Y/N left hand

Ahri: Leave it to us grabs Y/N right arm

Y/N: O-oh okay

We entered and the blinding stinged my eyes. As my vision came to, the tables was filled with famous people such as celebrities, entrepreneurs and so on. A waiter lead is to our table far from the crowd as Evelynn requested somewhere quite

Ahri ordered half of what in the menu. I looked at her worriedly since

But surprisingly the food came under very quickly.. I sweat they froze these foods and heat them in the microwaves. I looked around the table as I scanned nervously. We hungrily devoured all the food, standing up on stage is quite tiring. I can't imagine doing this for a whole year. I looked up and saw that the place was packed up. More and more people came flooding in but me and the girls ran quietly before they realize we were there

My car was just around the corner. As we made our way towards the car, Ahri and Kai'Sa tried to start a conversation about their high school years and what not. They ask how was mine and I replied with "pretty decent". Nothing else further than that. They will think I'm weak for getting bullied

We then walked the rest of the way in silence. I couldn't bear the tension of awkwardness in the air, so I started to sing

Y/n: "Its Close to Middnight...~"

Ahri and Kai'sa: chuckles

Y/N: "Something evil's lurking thru the dark~"

Ahri: That's your new song right?

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